best practice ideas for teachers

Without a rigid school day schedule, it’s easy for students to lose track of time and fall behind on their work. When you need to supplement your curriculum with ready-made online activities, Alberthas engaging, standards-aligned resources across grade levels and subjects. But, that’s okay! . It can be intimidating to try out a new tool for the first time, so we suggest setting up a mock class and using some willing colleagues or family members as your guinea pigs before rolling it out with students. Beyond these basics, there are a huge variety of educational technology tools to transform your teaching and engage your students. Synchronous teaching through phone calls, video lessons, or live chats allows students to ask questions and build relationships with you and each other. Every single teacher who I know is working longer and harder than ever before, so supporting your child’s teacher in any way is an enormous help. You can differentiate the type and difficulty of assignment for different student needs. Alternatively, you can include your show and tell in the bottom of a weekly email update. Ashleigh: Number one, make it easy for students to admit if they don't have the ability to do what you’re asking in a hands-on activity. where a student and/or parent will type their name to acknowledge they read and understood it. You then can add in places for student interaction: written responses, drawings, quizzes, polls, collaborate boards, and more. For the Powerpoints you’ve already created, screen recording software likeLoomor Screencastifyallows you to record your presentation on-screen as you speak and click through your slides. After you’ve selected the new tool to try, create a mock class to assign work to. It’s an unfortunate reality that … They can view and respond to each other’s videos, as well. It’s even tougher when you have students and families reaching out to you at all hours of the evening. We’ve seen a lot of questions come up that center around educators feeling nervous about their own technological savviness and ability to teach online. Do you need an interactive online lab? Or is it something that they need to physically put their hands on in order to best meet the goal of learning that content? Any kind of consistency that you can maintain will be really helpful. When you need to supplement your curriculum with ready-made online activities, has engaging, standards-aligned resources across grade levels and subjects. What are some tips and tools for making effective instructional videos? Without the natural opportunities to make connections in a traditional classroom, it’s important to create these spaces in the online setting. If conversation lags or needs direction, you can facilitate topics with fun icebreakers and “would you rather” questions. For over five years, hundreds of thousands of students have used Albert to build confidence and score better on their SAT®, ACT®, AP, and Common Core tests. It's the idea of shifting your thought process to Natasha's point about small chunks of content that is an anticipatory set or a thought producer and then giving students the ability to come back and demonstrate and model. Administrators must realize that teachers will still need support when implementing changes the second year. For educators new to distance learning, it can be difficult to know what online teaching techniques work best, or even where to begin. You set the topic (their pet, their favorite outfit, something from a fun vacation), and students can turn on their video cameras and microphones to share in a lesson. You can leave messages for your students with discussion prompts, and they can return the message with their response. For example, if assigning an essay, set a due date for the outline, the rough draft, and the final essay. Your colleagues, teaching assistants, lab assistants, and the LDT/DCAL team can help you think through the different logistical challenges that might arise as you migrate online. Keep in mind these strategies for teaching online when you get started: Working from home, it can be tough to disconnect from your work. Ten Best Teaching Practices I've Observed by Dr. Charles Taylor This article is intended to share best teaching practices that great teachers display in the classroom. We hope you found this Ultimate Guide for Educators helpful. offers the best practice questions for high-stakes exams and core courses spanning grades 6-12. Online, you're facilitating students to make progress away from you and really have to think about how you are guiding them from the side. Best Practices for Teachers Making the Switch to Virtual Instruction: Q&A with Online Education Experts Wednesday, March 25, 2020 Educators around the United States and the world are facing a huge level of uncertainty as local governments respond to the fast-evolving COVID-19 pandemic. Decide on specific platforms that you will use with students—for instance, Google Voice, Zoom, Loom, Fripgrid, and Padlet. There’s a few common mistakes even the best veteran teachers make when first switching to the online environment. The virtual classroom makes show and tell easier than ever! The steps include how to identify a need, discover and select a product, train staff, and much more. In this online environment, you’ll find yourself inevitably wondering, “Does anyone even read my emails?” To guarantee your students read and understand any especially important communications, add a link to a quick. What are some of the best pedagogical practices I've adopted over the years from my mentors and guides in this … The big difference between online and face-to-face instruction is when students are online watching a video lesson, it can be extra hard to focus. Due dates for upcoming assignments or test days. Educators around the United States and the world are facing a huge level of uncertainty as local governments respond to the fast-evolving COVID-19 pandemic. That’s where the creativity comes in. There are so many free resources out there that allow for collaboration—stretch yourself. If worse comes to worst, print off worksheets as take-home packets for students, and put them in the mail. Adding to the challenge, many educators navigating this transition don’t know if online learning will be a short-term situation or the solution for the remainder of the school year. Remind them you’re not going anywhere and that you understand things are unpredictable right now. Share the hours you’re available with your families, and stick to them. Families and students will be capable of handling this complexity at some point, if you build them up to it. Use a variety of asynchronous and synchronous activities to keep your students engaged, and meet different learner needs. We are also chock-full of ideas and strategies to find what will work best for you and your students. Accessibility to students via electronic communication as well as face-to-face. We provide a comprehensive guide of 100+ distance learning tools and strategies for effective student engagement. We recommend adding educators to fewer, better organized teams vs. a team for every school initiative to model best practices from the beginning. In the short term, understand that you will forget things and make mistakes during this transition, and that's OK—give yourself grace. How can teachers keep students engaged when they’re working online? For instance, if you had a weekly star student, you can still have that in your virtual classroom. How can you provide small-group instruction in the online environment? Practice (at least once) in advance: if you are working with a TA/TF, rehearse using the Share Screen and switching among windows you intend to display. It's also important to think about Individualized Education Plan (IEP) goals and resources around to support our special education students. Weekly newsletters are a great way to build community with families. : Send students and their families individual messages when they’ve done a great job. Be wary of assigning complex tasks and assignments without training your students on how to use the technology first. 2. the ability for … So, if you notice that your students haven't been showing up to online office hours or live lessons or if they're just generally not responding, try to catch that right away. Padletis a great tool for creating a collaborative class message board. Daryl: I think this is a good opportunity to talk through the facilitator model. Start with contacting your administrators or technology team to make sure that you understand what kind of reporting features are available in your platform. Even traditional schools are utilizing fully virtual courses for their in-person populations. Share your favorite tips for teaching and online learning strategies for students in the comments below. Often, you can accomplish in a 15-minute, one-on-one meeting what that student could work on for an hour on their own and not figure out. I turn it around and ask, "Do you use email? The graphic presented here lists seven best practices for teaching online. Set due dates for everything, and send frequent reminders. Social skills are often an area that children with autism have difficulty … You simply post the assignment instructions, let students post their answer, and then they can read and respond to others. A board like. For the younger grades, try hosting a live book reading or joke time where you can get kids together and let them have fun interacting with each other. Our distance learning hub is a great place to start. What recommendations do you have about the amount of time that students should be spending on each class per day, keeping in mind differences depending on the developmental stages of your students? Lessons Learned Can Lead to Great Teaching Teaching practices also include how schedules and routines are carried out, how settings are managed, and how children’s challenging behaviors are addressed. Ways this will manifest in the classroom include: 1. the creation of a safe, secure environment where students’ physical and emotional needs are met. In the online environment, parent involvement looks very different. This is a great option for reluctant writers, a strong way to boost engagement, and promote active learning. That’s why we convened a group of four online learning experts for an interactive, Q&A-driven webinar on what traditional classroom teachers can do to make the shift to online teaching as smooth and effective as possible: Check out the full conversation, or read through the partial, condensed transcript below that has been edited for clarity. It even has the option to include a little window with your face on the screen, so your students can still see you. Whenever local government officials decide to reopen schools, it’s clear that it won’t just be business as usual. Lucidpressoffers a number of different, free templates to choose from. In the transition to online learning, we can discuss parent expectations like: With so many different tools out there, it can be overwhelming to find the one that’s best for you and your students. is a great place to start. We know that parent involvement strongly impacts student performance in school. Some Internet providers may provide free service to households during this time. Daryl: Check out different communication and collaboration apps. If you're teaching solo, practice clicking between Zoom's presentation mode, screen share mode, any slides or presentation materials, and any other technologies like whiteboarding tools, polls, or videos. And then, just kind of be a gentle thorn in their side. Just like in the traditional classroom, teachers adapt and move on if something goes wrong. Look for inexpensive inspiration. First, you import your pre-existing lessons pdfs or Powerpoints. Use the lessons you’ve already created, and adapt them to the online environment with different ed tech tools. What can educators do to calm nerves and be successful through this transition? Check out our complete listing of upcoming webinars for dates, times, and specific subjects. Some of your students are going to need it, and some won't. Students can wish each other happy birthdays, share exciting events in their lives, or post shoutouts and encouragements to each other. Or maybe you typically host writers workshops—at the end of a writing unit you can still host a virtual group share-out. Nonverbals are a teacher’s best proactive approach to behavior management and can thwart a lot of negative behaviors before they escalate. And it’s here to stay. Here, we outline our favorite best practices and resources for keeping distance learning engaging and rigorous throughout the coronavirus outbreak (and beyond). For written discussions, Google Classroom is a great tool. Some ideas include: Many students struggle with time management. Digital citizenship courses are on the rise as a key component in school curricula. Mention you heard about us from our blog to fast-track your app. How can teachers set clear expectations for students in an online learning environment? What are some of the best ways to teach more hands-on lessons, like science labs and project-based learning activities, in an online environment? PBS KIDS and other mission-driven websites have a suite of content that would allow you really to have your reader reading at the level you want them to be at. Discover how the House Framework represents essential elements of effective teaching practices, which support children's learning in all program options Talk to your leaders about what the end goals are, and think about the long term. Sharing best practice in teaching should be integral to the role, after all teaching is a collaborative process - helping our colleagues and sharing what we know works can help not only our teaching practices, but our students’ results. Can you create (or find) a video to explain what you want them to do at home? This frees their minds to learn. These 5 simple principles are the framework for all of the top online learning strategies. Here are some of our ideas for sharing best practice in the classroom: Get Online We provide vital online teaching ideas on how to make your lessons more interactive and foster active learning. Make sure that students and parents know what platforms you’re using and how to get in touch with you. Best Practices in Teaching Writing 1 Write in the Middle Best Practices in Teaching Writing Charles Whitaker, Ph.D. Best Practices for Teaching Online Set The Expectations. I'm here to support you like I've always been, and I need you to communicate with me. Then, it’s all about reinforcing. Education staff use effective teaching practices to: Establish strong relationships with young children and their families Create learning environments that foster children’s trust and emotional security and respond to their interests and needs By weaving in opportunities for students to practice the “Four Cs,” teachers help students develop these skills while learning grade-level content. Reach out to your kids that you know would benefit from having just you talking to them for a couple minutes to get them going, and you're going to save them and yourself a lot of frustration. Send little messages to your students throughout the day to acknowledge when they complete tasks. Collaborate with fellow educators and identify specific needs to find and implement the best tools for your classroom. With these basic skills, teachers can translate what they do in the classroom to the online environment. Framework for Effective Practice. Daryl: First, let's not forget that we don't have to create everything, right? Teaching includes inspiring one’s students. However, it does meet a variety of both students’ and school districts’ needs that traditional, brick and mortar classrooms can’t. If you enjoyed this post, you may also like our post on 75 educational teacher websites, our viral post on distance learning tools here or our free 150+ teaching strategies discovery tool. Be purposeful in that you want every student to learn or continue to make strides, but we don't necessarily have to knock every single standard out in the next six weeks before school is out so that we can be prepared for state testing. Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves take this idea further in ‘Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School’ … With COVID-19 nearly overnight transforming our traditional classrooms into virtual ones, it can seem like distance learning has appeared out of nowhere. Explore best practices presented in the Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository. We recommend including pictures and highlighting student achievements to keep parents engaged all school year. Talk to your district about what the expectations are, and make sure that you’re working within them. Then, you can use that information when you’re talking to students and say, "Hey, I noticed that you didn't log in yesterday. But no matter what tool you use, it’s about building that culture of community and really allowing multiple ways for kids to share their ideas. Ashleigh: Don’t be afraid of having individual meetings with kids as well. Albert’s pilot program follows many of these pilot principles, which is why we see high success in adoption and fidelity from schools who try us out first. Natasha: With older students, I always tell them, “Don't ‘ghost’ me.” Being persistent with communication helps get them engaged. It’s harder for many students to “watch” instruction via video livestream than in a … What can you do to make sure that you and your students continue to maintain that social connection that is such a huge part of the classroom? You can adjust Padlet’s settings so that all messages have to be approved by you before posting. Things have been and will continue to be adjusted. It’s important to relax, take a deep breath, and know that there will be challenges to overcome, just like in the classroom. You then can add in places for student interaction: written responses, drawings, quizzes, polls, collaborate boards, and more. Familiarize yourself with it early, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your more tech-savvy coworkers with questions. Teacher burnout is real. As the teachers, we must find ways to connect and support our parents, provide online learning strategies for students, and keep them involved throughout the school year. David: I often use my smartphone to make instructional videos. You already know your kids, and if you think through what you would do in your brick-and-mortar classroom, and when students would need a break in the lesson, that’s how you know what “chunks” of content to create. While some families have realized that full-time distance learning doesn’t suit their personal lifestyles, for others it’s essential. We see districts investing in virtual tools, digital subscriptions, practice software, and broadband. Following is a list of selected teaching practices that are well recognized in the profession as being effective in helping students develop as writers. But, the truth is, education’s shift towards distance learning had been steadily growing long before this pandemic. Beyond just lessons, you can also record yourself explaining assignment directions, for those students who do better when verbally told what to do. Nearpodis one way to make online classes more interactive. We see districts investing in virtual tools, digital subscriptions, practice software, and broadband. You're going to fumble a little bit. It can be overwhelming if you have a large class, so set a goal to speak with a certain number of students each week to ensure you’re reaching everyone. Log in and test out your activity as a student, so you can truly see if this will work for your class. Usually, some people will say they're going to be my problem student for the day because they don't feel comfortable with technology. And then, beg, borrow, and steal. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel- take advantage of the great resources already out there. Just reaching out and speaking with your student one-on-one builds an essential bond. For the Powerpoints you’ve already created, screen recording software like. If you don’t have a work phone, create a free Google Voiceaccount so families don’t have access to your personal number. Students across the district can now take this virtual course at any period of the day, in their school’s computer lab. Realize that change takes time. So don't think that by opening up the opportunity to have individual time that you're going to be doing that all day, every day. Teachers should employ strategies that work to minimize distractions such as keeping the student away from the window, using a structured environment, keeping the noise level down, and having an orderly classroom where students are free from surprises and know the … Keep lines of communication open, using different tools like emails, Remind 101, phone calls, and class message boards. Natasha: I recommend chunking concepts into small recordings or mini lessons. Here are some of the most common. Families want to hear from you often and regularly. If a student is negatively participating, you can easily mute or remove him or her from the lesson. It's amazing the amount of data that you can get from an online learning management system. Daryl: Try using voicemail. I think about focusing on the essential question or the learning target in my lesson videos. This process helps educational leaders select and run successful educational technology pilots in their schools. How can teachers overcome the challenges related to communication, collaboration, and creativity, and still maintain the art of teaching while working online? David: I immediately think about what happens when I'm facilitating an in-person training with a group of educators. : Recognize star students in your emails to the class, during synchronous lessons, or post them on a public board. As an online teacher, you have an opportunity to create a … I’ve been hearing about Seesaw and Facebook’s Messenger Kids lately. Zoom is one specific program that works well for filming videos, even though we usually think of it for conference calls or live meetings. If you don’t have a work phone, create a free. In this comprehensive post we detail effective online teaching strategies, easy-to-use tips, and provide a number of accessible resources. If you're an educator interested in trying Albert, click the button below to learn about our pilot program. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel- take advantage of the great resources already out there.Alberthas a huge library of standards aligned lessons and activities for all ages and subjects. How do you support those students who might not have consistent access to Internet? For example, if it’s a discussion board, have students’ first posts be about their family pet or what they did for fun that weekend. You’ll probably find even the quieter students feel more bold typing in the chat- which is great when it’s positive conversations, but not-so-great when it gets off topic or inappropriate. The workshop is facilitated by a team of instructional designers and touches on several best practices. Reassure them your “virtual door” is always open, and share your email and phone number early and often in multiple places. The teaching of writing happens — or should — within a deep field of practice, theory, and research. My students used to love cleaning the whiteboard, or getting small pieces of candy. Natasha: Like we’ve already talked about, you already know your students from the brick-and-mortar classroom, so you're at a major advantage. The same in any classroom, it’s just as important to enforce your expectations as it is to create and share them. Digital citizenship courses are, Your school’s Learning Management System or LMS will most likely be the primary tool you use for your direct communication and posting assignments. Use the tips and tricks provided later in this article for discovering, experimenting, and implementing new tools in your classroom. Students’ wellbeing and success are always priorities for educators. When I'm presenting a live lesson, screen sharing is most important for me. Incorporating these best practices will help ensure that you and your students stay engaged and have a positive experience. While everyone’s teaching style is a bit different, successful educators all follow the same best practices in online teaching. What kind of activities can you design that rely on common household products and don’t force families to buy special supplies or kits? offers a number of different, free templates to choose from. Look to others for ideas as you think about what policies and procedures might work best in your own communities. Click to share these online teaching strategies on Twitter & help other educators! The good news is that online teaching and learning are not new approaches. It just takes a little creativity, and the right tools. Strong classroom management is as essential in the online environment as it is in the traditional one. Checking their child’s due dates and what they’ve submitted each day, Checking the posted grades for each class, Reading and responding to teacher emails and calls, Reaching out with any questions or challenges, With so many different tools out there, it can be overwhelming to find the one that’s best for you and your students. Get Edmentum's Administrator’s Checklist for Pivoting to Virtual Learning, Six Study Island Features that Educators Can't Live Without, [Edmentum Podcast] Episode 13: Taking Teaching on the Road with Cathy Cluck. By using reader's theater scripts, teachers can encourage students to read with expression and to practice important fluency attributes, such as pause, inflection, and intonation. I have roughly 250 students in my caseload, but not all 250 need a one-on-one appointment. Without a rigid school day schedule, it’s easy for students to lose track of time and fall behind on their work. Check out How to Teach From Home with Google Classroom and Albert for more tips. First, you import your pre-existing lessons pdfs or Powerpoints. 6 Ways for Educators to Relax and Rejuvenate over Winter Break, Going Virtual? There are other interactive whiteboard programs as well—don’t feel like video lessons have to be all about you speaking on camera. Remember, one of the strong resources educators have is each other! This process helps educational leaders select and run successful educational technology pilots in their schools. The days of teachers … Fully virtual schools have been sprouting up across states for years, and only growing in popularity. Michelle M. recommends having students jump for each day of the month they count, or have gestures to show the weather (rain movements if it’s raining). The price tags of elaborate 3-D printers, coding robots, circuit sets, … Then, follow up afterwards with a phone call home to discuss the situation. You can also use these simple strategies to make your selection process easy and effective. What are the Most Common Strategies of Distance Education? Use the lessons you’ve already created, and adapt them to the online environment with different ed tech tools. This … Storyboard teaching online resources everything, and then perfected by their creators grades 6-12 presenting... They 're not in the short term, understand that you feel will be of. For everything, and anything your student spending more time trying to decipher the instructions learning... Working on essential skills like reading fluency your slides, collaborate boards and... Recognize star students in your virtual classroom makes show and tell in the traditional one the last minute ” to. Even tougher when you need to take care of themselves as well 'm here support... Lists seven best practices for teaching online pedagogical Repository collaborate boards, and promote active learning, easy-to-use tips and. 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