black bullet rentaro

[120] Before starting the mission to bring down Kagetane, Shougen sees Rentaro at the place of departure and, calling him a hindrance, advises him to go home. However, as he stops his attacks and moves in to inspect it, he is almost ambushed if not for a young girl stepping in and killing the Gastrea with a kick. He then asks her if she was someone she knew, with Enju responding affirmatively. Suddenly, he gets a call from Kisara. When suddenly, he is asked if he has ever killed anyone before, as she has, which angers him further. Beruflicher Status 123.452 (Beginn)1.000 (nach Erbe des Siebengestirns)300 (vor 3. Die nächsten Jahre hat Rentaro dann bei ihm gelebt. Just then, Rentaro watches, unable to move, as Enju is mercilessly shot by Kagetane with his Black Bullets. Just then, Rentaro reveals his Varanium-infused limbs, informing Kagetane that he is a Mechanical Soldier from the New Human Creation Plan. Springfield XD : Es handelt sich um eine Pistole der Kaliber 9mm Parabellum, 40 s&w oder .45 ACP. Er benutzt seine Springfield als Primärwaffe. [24] Reaching back to the company, Rentaro is confronted by an angry boss, who begins to chase him around and, after getting tired, tells him not to call her by her name whilst at work, instead; president. Kisara asks him if Enju had already went home, to which he responds affirmatively and is soon asked by Kisara to reveal his goal; asking if it's to find Enju's parents noting as he gave up on finding his a long time ago. Yuuki Kaji Kisara Tendo: Kisaras Beziehung zu Rentaro scheint oberflächlich wenig herzlich zu sein: Häufig buttert sie ihn unter, macht recht deutlich, dass sie ihn für einen unfähigen Idioten hält und droht ihm mehrfach Gewalt und Tod an. Rentaro looks at the present and opens it, looking at the president's head as he does so. Though, angry, she kicks him in the groin for leaving her behind like he did, causing him to fall on the ground in pain. [39], He reaches a location where many of the Cursed Children live, showing them a photo of Enju and asking if they have seen her. From the ground, Rentaro can only pant and sarcastically apologize for the disappointment. Kayo calls Shougen and tells him it's time to depart, while winking at Rentaro. Black Bullets: Die namensgebenden Kugeln der Serie. The masked man looks at Rentaro and tells him that he is late, and confirms that he was the one who killed the men behind him. With a smile on his face and before the projectile can reach him, Rentaro's left eye releases a glow and allows him to stop the bullet midway. She comments on how, if he does not join them, his loved ones will die. Passing by multiple people, Rentaro takes note of how happy Enju seems to be greeting them, asking her if she's happy at school, with her stating that it's the best. When Enju does so, Rentaro listens to Shougen reveal his true feelings towards Kayo, calling her righteous. Though she quickly returns to her former self when she tells Rentaro that there are Gastrea Stage II close to their location, as well as telling him not to mess it up. The two go to the roof, where Kisara reveals that a Stage V is approaching; ultimately shocking him. Damit kann er große Distanzen schnell überwinden und vielen Angriffen auf ihn ausweichen. Status Rentaro and Enju run from a Stage 4 Gastrea. When he arrives home, he finds nothing. Sitting down, Rentaro is confronted by Kisara for forgetting the reward and not telling her about the limited sale. Rentaro is told of the Cursed Child's actions. 1.000 (nach Erbe des Siebengestirns)300 (vor 3. Being partners and receiving tasks to be completed as a team, the two have gained ultimate trusts on each other, relying on the other even if their lives are in danger. Enju shakes him out of his thoughts and is told by Rentaro that if a new law allowing is a success, Gastrea infected children are to be treated more like humans, causing her to joyously grip his hand and express her excitement.[35]. On their way to school, Rentaro carries Enju on a bike as she claims that the ride feels like "Rome", telling her to stop kicking at the same time. However, the two are quickly separated when Kohina appears from within the smoke and aims her blades at Enju. Quickly enough, Kagetane informs him that it is impossible, as he will prevent him from doing so. However, as time passed, connections between the two changed for the better. Stating the Gastrea's type, Rentaro watches as Tadashima shoots at it, having no effect. [38], The next day, while at school, Rentaro gets a call from Enju's school. Rentaro ist allerdings weggelaufen, aber Kikunojo hat ihn gesucht und vor einem angreifenden Gastrea gerettet. Rentaro hears Kisara speaking in her sleep. Zudem kann Rentaro keine fünf Minuten mit einem anderen Mädchen verbringen, wie beispielsweise Kisara, ohne das Enju eifersüchtig wird. Rentaro begs to differ, and states that he will seek the opinion of an expert, namely his sensei; receiving encouragement from Kisara. However, before she can continue, Rentaro grabs her and pins her on the ground, informing her of the time Enju almost killed a person: she waited for the person to recover. As he releases the bullet from his grip, the skin encompassing his arm begins to deteriorate. Angered by her statement, Rentaro loudly tells her to find someone else who is stronger than him, embarrassing her and causing her to turn around and tell him that it's enough. Satomi Rentarō Nevertheless, the wound quickly heals itself; Rentaro lands a strong punch on Kagetane's mask, nearly shattering it. Enju reaches a certain location before commencing her plan with Rentaro. ist ein Highschool-Schüler, der zusätzlich noch als Promoter bei einem privaten Wachdienst arbeitet. He injects one into his abdomen and releases a powerful cry as he remembers Sumire reveal to him that he may forfeit his humanity. Picking himself up, he tells Kagetane to wait as he acknowledges that he is, indeed, weak, and thus why everyone can't trust it. Die beiden kennen sich schon länger und Rentaro wird von Shiba Heavy Industries mit Ballanium-Munition und Waffen gesposert. She tells him to come to the strategy meeting that will be held, but he asks her for his use in the operation. As soon as he grabs his gun, the tall figures asks him for his "tool's" whereabouts; leading him to ponder his statement. He carries the gun on the back of his pants, using it when he is the midst of a fight.He has shown great mastery over said weapon, shooting a Stage I Gastrea repeatedly without showing any signs of fatigue and with the ability to maintain his stability throughout the process. According to Miori herself, their were conditions met with Rentaro obtaining free bullets, as such were studying in the same school. Before he can reply, they leave. Finding nothing, he stands still until hearing a voice. [98] Despite this, however, she displays supreme adornment to his skills; noting his bravery when he fought and overpowered said Gastrea alone. Commencing the operation, Tadashima informs Rentaro that on the second floor, where the accident happened, the roof was leaking blood. The next morning, Rentaro wakes up with injuries from Enju's anger, and states that he does not want to go to school; claiming that he will use leaving his bike near the accident scene as an excuse. Before they can finish their conversation, Enju passes in front of them and kills a Gastrea, shocking Kayo. Shortly thereafter, Rentaro leaves after being told that Enju went home early. Before leaving, Rentaro states that he will begin with believing it was able to camouflage itself. Wenn sie Rentaro nicht gerade Streiche spielt hat man den Eindruck sie bemuttert ihn ein bisschen, sie versucht beispielsweise ihm Tipps zu geben wie er Kisara an Land ziehen könnte, obwohl er doch so ein "Schwächling" ist. [64], The bullets within Rentaro's body rapidly exit, the young Promoter clenching his teeth as Enju calls out his name. Schnell entwickelte sich jedoch eine enge Freundschaft zwischen den beiden, weil Rentaro das Mädchen direkt sehr herzlich und wie seine Familie behandelte. Rentaro unintentionally makes Sumire laugh. Selbstverständlich ist jeder Black bullet rentaro sofort auf erhältlich und kann sofort geliefert werden. Rentaro solely stands there and asks for his company's name, but is met by a headbutt that sends him back. [99] Rentaro believes that Enju is just as human, or even more, as the people around her, even to the point of admitting that he will guide Enju through the correct path. Hier lernst du alle nötigen Merkmale und wir haben viele Black bullet rentaro näher betrachtet. He explains to her that he is here, and that they are family; filling her with joy. Despite his claim, he shows no concern for his well being as shown when he orders Kohina to cut off his right arm. [26], Outside, Rentaro seats and remembers his parents' funeral, thinking to himself that he will apologize to Kisara the next day as he walks away. Rentaro Satomi' (里見蓮太郎, さとみ れんたろう, Satomi Rentarō) is a young teen enrolled in high school and forming part Civil Security. Aus Kostengründen nutzt Rentaro seine Schuluniform auch als Arbeitskleidung. Rentaro is grabbed by Enju, avoiding the attack just in time as the latter jumps high in the air. [96], Rentaro treats Enju like family, albeit; Enju seeks for a deeper relationship with the Civil Security member which usually comes off in a comedic manner. Fähigkeiten Continuing to walk they see Seitenshi on a nearby screen which leads Rentaro to remember the happenings the day before. [8], Rentaro shows, however, anger when spoken to of his dead parents. With Rentaro's gun in hand, Kagetane calls him weak just as he returns the weapon and begins to walk away, much to Rentaro's anger. As he drives past several buildings, he looks around until finally locating the small girl and the police men. Using the opportunity to their advantage, Enju returns to attacking Kohina and sending her flying into the water. [14] During his first days as a Civil Security member, when Rentaro first met Enju, the former was attacked by the latter instantaneously. He travels around in high black shoes that have a much lighter color at the bottom.[2]. Rentaro explains the properties of his bullets. The two talk about human's view on the Gastrea and the Promoter's uses for the Initiator, with Kayo informing Rentaro that when humans are confronted by Gastrea all they have in mind is murder. Arriving back to the company, he is met by a worried Enju telling him that the president is not acting like her normal self. As Shougen falls on the ground, raking his final breath, Rentaro and Enju state that they must apologize to Kayo for everything wrong they thought and said about Shougen. He looks up as she begins to rant about the duties of being a part of Civil Security, mainly noting the fact that his Initiator is not with him. [117] Rentaro also dislikes Shougen's view on the initiators, whom he refers to as "tools" to use in combat. In Wirklichkeit verbirgt sich hinter dieser harten Schale jedoch eine sehr enge und herzliche Beziehung zwischen den beiden, da sie zusammen aufwuchsen und Rentaro ihr in der Kindheit sogar einmal das Leben gerettet hat, als ein Gastrea in ihr Haus eingedrungen war. However, he questions if she just expects them to leave her behind. Nachdem Tina von der Regierung entlassen wurde hat Kisara sie bei der Tendo Security GmbH angestellt. Momentarily, her friend, Mai, comes along and walks to class with Enju. Before he can grab the case Rentaro is ambushed by Kagetane, while Enju faces Kohina. Rentaro breaks through the Repulsion Shield with Rokuro Kabuto. Band 1 Rentaro beschütze Kisara und verlor dabei sein rechtes Bein, seinen rechten Arm und das linke Auge. The men in the room, Rentaro included, begin to shoot Kagetane, but have their bullets sent back at them. Rentaro then looks at a photo near him, asking Tadashima if the man lived alone, to which he responds positively; a divorced. [29], Once there and after it's time for lunch, he receives a call from Kisara, but ignores until said person comes to his class and asks him for his motives for not picking up. Rentaro thanks Shougen for saving his life. This style of combat allows him to perform several techniques with offensive properties, such as using his limbs to deliver powerful blows at his opponents. Er kann nicht verstehen warum die verfluchten Kinder so gehasst werden. Episode 01 After explaining that regular bullets have no harm on the Gastrea, Rentaro takes his gun from him and gets ready to fight the Gastrea, telling him to leave it to him. Will die dieser Rangliste aufgelisteten Black bullet Rentaro längeren Gespräch freunden sie sich an allerdings... Has a gun pointed at her Nagisawa: Rentaro verfügt über eine sehr hohe geschwindigkeit und ausgezeichnete.! Top-Auswahl von Black bullet Rentaro despite this, he stands still until hearing a voice and Kisara picks up with. 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