borage family uk

Lowland. Hatches after 16 days in June.June-April.25 days in April-May. Learn more. Eats young leaves until June.---. Habitat with link to that Wild Flower Gallery:-Common Name. Please e-mail Thomas J. Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants. A member of the borage family, comfrey - Symphytum spp. Foliage from Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire, Form from Fountains Abbey in North Yorkshire. Also, the leaves and roots of comfrey have been shown to be carcinogenic. Fruits consisting of 4 nutlets surrounded by the calyx." We have supplied plants to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, the RHS Gardens at Wisley, Prague Botanical Gardens, and The Saville Gardens in Windsor Great Park (belonging to HM the Queen), as well as to various public parks, exhibitors at horticultural shows, municipal gardens and other prestigious clients.". The sky blue and pink flowers can jazz up your garden and then be made into candy. The native habitats of this perennial herb are damp woodland, ditches, stream and river banks, where it occurs in both shaded and open situations. An annual or biennial herb growing as a weed in arable fields, on cliffs and in open sandy habitats by the coast. An annual or biennial herb of open or disturbed ground, especially cultivated fields. Borage Family:- "All our members of this family have alternate, undivided leaves, and all but one are roughly hairy. [Plectranthus amboinicus, syn. 10 days in May-June.July-August.17 days in August-September. Generally lowland, but reaching 315 m at Sheldon (Derbys.). Lists of:-Edible Plant Parts. (a.k.a. Seeds can survive prolonged immersion in sea water, and dispersion in sea currents enables colonisation of new, but sometimes transient, sites. This creeping perennial is a garden escape or outcast which has become naturalised in woodland and along lanes. See more ideas about borage, planting flowers, plants. Eats sap or fruit juice until April. Some genera produce fewer than 4 nutlets due to abortion. He picked a posy of flowers, but because of the weight of his armour he fell into the river. Hibernates on dead leaves until March. borage Bedeutung, Definition borage: a plant whose leaves can be used in cooking and whose oil can be used in medicines. Mainly upland, reaching 820 m on Cross Fell (Cumberland), and down to 130 m in the Lune valley (Cumberland). Foliage from Lymington in Hampshire on 28 May, Form from Lymington in Hampshire on 28 May. The name of each foodplant links to a Google search. Lowland. Eritrichium nanum. Four nutlets. Plants of the Borage Family If you have ever pulled "beggar's ticks" (flat, tear-drop-shaped stickers) from your clothes, then you have met one member of the Borage family, also called "hound's tongue" (Cynoglossum) The plants of this family are often rough and hairy, usually with simple, alternate leaves. CommaSilver-washed FritillaryHigh Brown Fritillary, July-October.7 weeks in July-August.June-August, Wood WhitePearl-bordered FritillarySmall Pearl-bordered FritillaryHeath Fritillary. As an alien, it occurs on roadside verges, waste ground and other disturbed sites. Adonis BlueChalk-Hill BlueGlanville Fritillary, 1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September20 days in August.June-July, Apple/Pear/Cherry/Plum Fruit Tree Blossom in Spring, Tree sap and damaged ripe fruit, which are high in sugar. that have a row with their details in their flower colour in this central data table; the relevant entries in the Habitat Index Pages and other characteristics in other Index Pages in the Page Menu / Index Table on the left (with over-flow in another table below the flower colour in the central data table and then onto continuation pages). County Park Nursery was started by Graham and Margaret Hutchins in 1955. It has been used as a cure for jaundice. The flowers are usually … April-June or July-September.March-May or June-September.A Month during May-June or second flight in late July-August.May-June for 18 days. Borage or Starflower oil, pressed from the seeds is high in gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) which can help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Myosotis palustris. Site design and content copyright ©May 2008. Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal, Jersey government has a BioDiversity Action Plan on this plant, Explanation of Structure of this Website with User Guidelines, Selection of the smaller and choicer plants for the Smallest of Gardens with plant flowering during the same 6 periods as in the previous selection, Coleus Bedding Photos for use in Public Domain 1, Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an Acid Soil, Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves, Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit, Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers, UKButterflies Larval Foodplants website page. Hedgerows and Verges. This was about 26% of all the recorded Borges's in the UK. [S.Afr.] Hibernates inside hollow trees or outhouses until March. to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name, to see photos in its Flowering Months and. Yellow Stoneseed. Currants (Red Currant, Black Currant and Gooseberry), Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf.Eats leaves.---, Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves.Feeds on leaves until late August. All Free. Borage is an annual in the Boraginaceae family. Tobacco Root Mountains. Some contain volatile oils and may serve as an antidote to poisons by functioning as diaphoretics. Dog Violet withCommon Dog Violet,Heath Dog Violet and Wood Dog Violet. Pages 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, Plants 4, 7, 10, Bedding Plants 5, Plant Supports for Unknown Plants 5, Clematis Climbers 6,the RHS does not appear to either follow it's own pruning advice or advice from The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E. Brown. T. common borage [Borago officinalis] Borago {m} [Borretsch, vereinzelt auch Boretsch geschrieben] bot. A few members of the family are also mucilaginous, useful for their emollient properties. Hatches after 18-22 days in April.30 days in May9 days in June. Ivydene Gardens Adder's Tongue to Borage Wild Flower Families Gallery: Borage Family, Common Name to view that Plant Description PageBotanical Name to link to Plant or Seed SupplierFlowering Months to view photos Habitat to view further Natural Habitat details and Botanical Society of the British Isles Distribution Map, "All our members of this family have alternate, undivided leaves, and all but one are roughly hairy. A stoloniferous annual to perennial herb found by streams and pools, in marshy pasture, moorland flushes and springs. ISBN 0-571-11084-3 with the plants in Pages 1-7 of this folder. contains L-ornithine (Figure 11 and 15) derived alkaloids, such as indicine-N-oxide in the heliotrope (Heliotropium indicum) and southern hound's tongue (Cynoglosum creticum) species (Table 8).Farsam et al. Ivydene Gardens Adder's Tongue to Borage Wild Flower Families Gallery: ADDER'S TONGUE TO BORAGE WILD FLOWER GALLERY, INDEX LINK TO WILDFLOWER PLANT DESCRIPTION PAGE. A shortly rhizomatous perennial herb which grows in grassland, hedgerows and wood margins, mostly on base-rich soils. 1 egg at base of plant.Eats leaves.---Eats nectar. Hibernates on dead leaves until March. A perennial herb with creeping woody stems occurring in chalk and limestone districts in two distinct habitats. It has lovely pale blue flowers that emerge in late spring and stick around to late fall. 7 days.28 days.21 days for May-June eggs, or overwinter till March. The species name shows that it has medicinal uses. to read habitat details in its Habitat Column. This erect perennial herb is mostly found near habitation in lightly shaded habitats, including waste ground, roadside-banks, hedgerows, scrub and woodland, but it also grows on riversides. WILD FLOWER Common Name INDEX link to Wildflower Family Page; then, Common Name to view that Plant Description Page Botanical Name to link to Plant or Seed SupplierFlowering Months to view photos Habitat to view further Natural Habitat details and Botanical Society of the British Isles Distribution Map, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Abura-na Acker-Hellerkraut Ackersenf Adder's Tongue Adder's-tongue Spearwort Agriao Alder Alder Buckthorn Alliare officinale Allysum Alpen-Gemskresse Alpine Arctic Cudweed Alpine Blue Sow-thistle Alpine Clubmoss Alpine coltsfoot Alpine Fleabane Alpine Forget-me-not Alpine Lady Fern Alpine Meadow-Rue Alpine Penny-Cress Alpine Rock-Cress Alpine Sow-Thistle Alpine Woodsia American Bellbine American Land-Cress American Water Cress American Wintercress Annual Delpinium Arragone Arrow Bamboo Asarabacca Ash of Jerusalem Atinian Elm Austrian Field Cress Austrian Yellow Cress Autumn Hawkbit Averill Awlwort, Gallant Soldier Garden Arabis Garden Cress Garden Golden-Rod Garden Radish Garlic Mustard Garlic Pennycress Gazon de Marie Gemeine Nachtviole German Tea Chamomile Giant Bellflower Giant Butterwort Giant Goldenrod Giant Horsetail Gibbous Duckweek Gillflower Glanz-Rauke Goatsbeard Globe Flower Gold of Pleasure Golden Buttons Golden Marguerite Golden-Rod Golden Samphire Golden-Scaled Male Fern Goldilocks Goldilocks Aster Goldilocks Buttercup Goldlack Goosegrass Goose Tongue gordaldo Grand Passerage Grauer Bastardsenf Graukresse Gray Northern Woodsia Green Spleenwort Great Bindweed Great Broomrape Great Duckweed Great False Leopardbane Great Horsetail Great Lettuce Great Sea Stock Greater Bladderwort Greater Dodder Greater Hawkbit Greater Prickly Lettuce Greater Spearwort Greater Yellow Cress Green Alkanet Green Amaranth Green Hellebore Green Houndstongue Green Pigweed Groundsel Grutzblume Gtodek Gymnocarpium robertianum, Ma chieh Madwort Magellan Ragwort Maidenhair Fern Maidenhair Spleenwort Male Fern March Everlasting Marguerite Daisy Marsh Arrow-Grass Marsh Bedstraw Marsh Clubmoss Marsh Cress Marsh Cudweed Marsh Fern Marsh Horsetail Marsh Marigold Marsh Ragwort Marsh Sow-Thistle Marsh Yellow Cress Mary's Cushion Mastuerzo Montesino Matronal Matthiole sinuee Mauer-Doppelsame Mauer-Felsenblumchen Mayweed May-weed Chamomile Meadow Buttercup Meacan-Each Meadow Cress Meadow False Fleabane Mediterranean Radish Medium-flowered Winter-cress Meerkohl Meerrettich Metake Mexican Daisy Mexican Fleabane Michaelmas Daisy milfoil Mithridate Mustard Mittleres Barbarakraut Mizu-Garashi Monkshood Moonwort Moretti's Sea Radish Mostarda-Preta Mostaza Blanca Mostaza Negra Mostaza Silvestre Mother's Heart Mountain Bamboo Mountain Bladder Fern Mountain Clubmoss Mountain Cudweed Mountain Everlasting Mountain Groundsel Mountain Male-fern Mountain Mustard Mountain Rock Cress Mouse-Ear Cress Mousetail Moutarde blanche Moutarde des champs Moutarde noire Mugwort Muli, Saat-Leindotter Sagesse des chirurgiens Saint George Saint Geourges Saint Jean Saint Martins Buttercup Salad Cress Plain Leaf Salad Mustard Salad Rape Salgam Salsify Sand Quillwort Sanguinary Santa Barbara Daisy Saracen's Woundwort Scaly Male Fern Scented coltsfoot Scented Mayweed Scentless Chamomile Scentless Mayweed Schmalblattriger Doppelsame Schmalwand Schwarzer Schwarzer Senf Scilly Buttercup Scots Elm Scottish Filmy Fern Scottish Wormwood Scurvy Grass Sea Alyssum Sea Arrow-Grass Sea Aster Sea Bindweed Sea grass Sea-green Whitlow Grass Sea Kale Sea Mayweed Sea Rocket Sea Radish Sea Ragwort Sea Spleenwort Sea Starwort Sea Stock Sea Wormwood Selada-Air Senf Senfspinat Sessile Oak Shady Horsetail Shaggy Soldier Sheepsbit Shepherd's Cress Shepherd's Purse Shepherd's Purse (rubella) Silver Birch Silver cineraria Silver Ragwort Simmara Simon's Bamboo Singer's Plant Siyah Hardel Skunk Cabbage Slender Bedstraw Slender Marsh Bedstraw Slender Wart Cress Small Alison Small Balsam Small Bladderwort Small Bugloss Small Bur-Reed Small Cudweed Small Fleabane Small-Flowered Buttercup Small-flower Galinsoga Small-flowered Land-Cress Small-flowered Wintercress Small Goosegrass Small-Leaf Elm Small-leaved Elm Small Male Fern Small Quillwort Small tumbleweed mustard Smith's Cress Smith's Pepperwort Smooth Bedstraw Smooth Catsear Smooth Sow-Thistle Smooth three-ribbed Goldenrod Sneezeweed Sneezewort Sneezewort Yarrow Snowdrop Snowflake Soft Comfrey Soft Shield Fern soldier's woundwort Son-before-father Sophienrauke Spanish Chestnut SpoonwortSpiked Rampion Spiny Annual Sow-thistle Spiny Cocklebur spiny cockleburr Spinks Spotless watermeal Spotted Catsear Spreading Bellflower Spring Quillwort Spring-Schaumkraut Spring Snowflake Squinancywort St. James' wort St John's Plant St. Sophia's Herb Stagshorn Clubmoss Star Duckweed Steinkraut Stengelum-fassendes Hellerkraut Sterile Watercress Sticky Groundsel Stiff Clubmoss Stinkende Kresse Stinking Chamomile Stinking Groundsel Stinking Hellebore Stink Weed Stinkweed Stoloniferous Pussytoes Strandrauke Strong-scented Lettuce Summer Snowflake Suterisi Swamp Lantern Sweet Alison Sweet Alyssum Sweet Chestnut Sweet Dame's Violet Sweet Flag Sweet Rocket Swinecress Swine Cress Swollen Duckweed, Bai jie Ball Mustard Baneberry Barbarakraut Barbaree Barbenkraut Barberry Barestem Bargeman's Cabbage Bastard Cabbage Bastard Cress Bastard Pellitory Bathurst burr Bauernsenf Bayirturpu Beach Wormwood Bedstraw Broomrape Beech Beech Fern Beggar-Ticks Behaarte Gansekresse Belle Isle Cress Bell Rose Berro Berro de Prado Besenrauke Big-seed False Flax Bird Rape Birthwort Bitter Cress Bittere Schleifenblume Black Mustard Black Spleenwort Bladder Fern Bloodtwig Dogwood Blue Anemone Blue-eyed-Mary Blue Fleabane Bogbean Blue Sow Thistle Bog Myrtle Borage Boreal Fleabane Boston Daisies Boston Horsetail Bourse de cure Bourse de Judas Box Bracken Branched Bur-Reed Branched Horsetail Brass buttons Brauner Senf Breckland Mugwort Breitblattrige Bristly Hawkbit Bristly Ox-Tongue Bristol Rock-Cress Brittle Bladder Fern Broad Buckler Fern Broad-leaved Bamboo Broad-leaved Cudweed Broad-leaved Ragwort Broad-Leaf Peppergrass Bronkors Brown-Leaved Watercress Brown Mustard Buchanweed Bulbous Buttercup Bulbulotu Bunias d'orient Butterbur Butterfly-Bush Buttonweed, Habb Ar Rashad Hairy Bamboo Hairy Bittercress Hairy Brassica Hairy Buttercup Hairy Galinsoga Hairy Rock-Cress Hairy Rocket Halim Hard Fern Hard Shield Fern Harebell Hartstongue hawkweed Hawkweed Ox-Tongue Hay-Scented Buckler Fern Heath Bedstraw Heath Cudweed Heath Groundsel Hederich Hedge Bedstraw Hedge Bindweed Hedge Garlic Hedge Mustard Herb-Barbaras Herbe Aux Charpentiers Herbe aux cuillere Herbe de Saint Barbe Hemp Agrimony Hierba De Santa Barbara Herb-Sophia Hierba del Ajo Highland Cudweed Highland Fleabane Hill mustard Himalayan Balsam Himalayan Bamboo Hirtentaschelkraut Hoary Alison Hoary-Alyssum Hoary Cress Hoary False Alyssum Hoary Groundsel Hoary Mustard Hoary Ragwort Hoary Stock Hoary Whitlowgrass Hohe Rauke Holly Fern Holm Oak Horse Chestnut Horse-Radish Houndstongue Hsi ming Hurf Al May Hutchinia Hutchinsia Hutchinsia alpina Hybrid Watercress, Nabo Nachtviole Narihira Bamboo Narihiradake Narrow Buckler Fern Narrow Cudweed Narrow-fruited Water-cress Narrow-Leaved Bittercress Narrow-leaved Eel-Grass Narrow-leaved Lungwort Naveterinary Nettle-leaved Bellflower Narrow-Leaved Pepperwort New York Aster New Zealand Bittercress Nodding Bur-Marigold Northern Bedstraw Northern Beech Fern Northern Buckler Fern Northern Fir-moss Northern Rock-Cress Northern Water Forgetmenot Northern Yellow-cress Norwegian Cudweed Norwegian Mugwort nosebleed plant, Tall rocket Tall Sisymbrium Tall Wormwood Tambouret des champs Tansy Tenby Daffodil Teraspic Thale Cress Thlaspi Blanc Thoroughwort Penny cress thousand-leaf thousand-seal Three-lobed Crowfoot Thread-leaved Water-Crowfoot Thyme Broomrape Todrilal Toothwort Touch-Me-Not Balsam Tower Cress Tower-cress Tower Mustard Tower Rock-cress Traveller's Joy Treacle Mustard Trifid Bur-Marigold Trumpet narcissus Tuberous Comfrey Tufted Forget-me-not Tumble Mustard Tumbling Mustard Tunbridge Filmy Fern Turkey Oak Turkish "Rocket" Turm-Gansenkresse Turnipweed Twisted Whitlow-Grass, Cakilier Camelina Camelina pilosa Cameline ciliee Canadian Fleabane Canadian Goldenrod Canadian horseweed Canapicchia glaciale Candytuft Canola Oil Plant Canterbury Bell Caquillier maritime Cardamine des pres Carraspique Carrot Broomrape catsear Cat's-foot Celery-leaved Buttercup Chalice flower Chamois Cress Changing Forget-me-not Charlock Ch'ing chieh Chimakizasa Chinese Mugwort Chou Choux-Marin Cleavers Cliff Clubmoss Clove-Scented Broomrape Clown's Mustard Clustered Bellflower Cochleaire cocklebur Coclearia Coeur de cure Col Marina Coltsfoot Columbine Colza Colza Oil Plant Common Amaranth Common Annual Sow-thistle Common Blue-sow-thistle Common Buckthorn Common Broomrape Common Buckler Fern Common Butterwort Common Catsear Common Chamomile Common Clubmoss Common Comfrey Common Cudweed Common Dodder Common Dog Mustard Common Duckweed Common Dutch Agrimony Common Eel-Grass Common Elm Common Fleabane Common Foreget-me-not Common Giant Mustard Common Gromwell Common Horsetail Common Lungwort Common Meadow-Rue Common Moonwort Common Penny-Cress Common Pepperwort Common Polypody Common Quillwort Common Ragwort Common Salsify Common Scurvy-Grass Common Spleenwort Common Wart Cress Common Water-crowfoot Common Whitlow-Grass Common Winter-Cress common yarrow Common Yellow Rocket Confused Michaelmas-daisy Copper Beech Coralroot Bittercress Coral-Wort Corn Buttercup Corn Chamomile Corn Cleavers Corn Daisy Corn Gromwell Corn Marigold Corn Sow-Thistle Cornish Bellflower Cotswold Penny-Cress Cotton weed Cottonweed Couve-Marinha Cranson Cranson officinal Creamy Butterbur Creases Creasy Greens Creeping Bellflower Creeping Buttercup Creeping Forget-me-not Creeping Spearwort Creeping Water Forgetmenot Creeping Yellow Cress Creeping Yellow Field Cress Cressen Cresson Cresson alenois Cresson d'eau Cresson de fontaine Cresson des fontaines Cresson des jardins Cresson de terre Cressonette Crested Buckler Fern Crisp Rockbrake Crocus-leaved goatsbeard Crosswort Crowberry Crystal Carpet Cucharita Cuckold's Beggar-ticks Cuckoo Flower Cape Cudweed, Immergrunes Felsenblumchen Indian Balsam Indian Fountain Bamboo Indian Posey Inflated Duckweed Intermediate Polypody Interrupted Clubmoss Inundated Clubmoss Irish Bladderwort Irish Fleabane Isle of Man Cabbage Italian Alder Italian Wild Radish Ivory Bells Ivy Broomrape Ivy Duckweed Ivy-leaved Bellflower Ivy-leaved Crowfoot, Oak Fern Oblong Woodsia Old-man-in-the-Spring old man's pepper Oranda-Garashi Orange Balsam Oregon Grape Oriental Borage Orientalis Rauke Ornamental Cabbage Ornamental Cress Ornamental Kale Oruga Maritima Ox-eye Chamomile Ox-Eye Daisy Oxford Ragwort Oxtongue Broomrape Oyster Plant, Ukonnauris Unbranched Bur Reed Upland Cress Upland Scurvy-Grass Upright Hedge Bedstraw, Daffy-down-dilly Daisy Damask Violet Dame's Rocket Dame's Violet Dandakorn dandelion Danish Scurvy Grass Devil's Beggar-ticks devil's nettle Disc mayweed Dittander Dogberry Dogwood Downy Birch Drave blanchatre Drave printaniere Dutch Rush Dune Cabbage Durmast Oak Dwarf Birch Dwarf Cornel Dwarf Cudweed Dwarf Eel-Grass Dyer's Chamomile Dyer's Weed Dyer's Woad, Jack-by-the-Hedge Jack-Go-To-Bed-At-Noon Japanese Sweet Coltsfoot Jersey Buttercup Jersey Cudweed Jersey Fern Jersey Forget-me-not Jerusalem Ash Jerusalem Star Jewel-Weed Ji cai Jim Hill Mustard Jointed Charlock Johnny-go-to-bed-at-noon Joseph and Mary Juliana Julienne des dames Juniper, Pale Butterwort Pale Forget-me-not Pale Madwort Paris Daisies Parsley Fern Pasque Flower Passerage des Champs Pearl Everlasting Pearl-flowered Life Everlasting Pedunculate Oak Penny Cress Pennycress Peppergrass Pepperwort Perennial Cress Perennial Peppercress Perennial Pepperweed Perennial Sow Thistle Perennial Wall Rocket Perfoliate Pennycress Pestilence Wort Pfeilkresse Pheasant's Eye Pigweed Pineapple Weed Pink Shepherd's Purse Piperisa Ploughman's Spikenard Plymouth Pear Pond Water-crowfoot Prairie Sagewort Prickly Comfrey Prickly Lettuce Prickly Sow-Thistle Pszonak drobnokwiatowy Purple Beech Purple Clematis Purple Coltsfoot Purple Gromwell Purple Salsify Purple Toothwort Purple Viper's Bugloss Pyrenean Columbine, Variegated Horsetail Variegated Monkshood Various-leaved Crowfoot Vegetable Oyster Venus's Looking-Glass Verschieden-blattrige Kresse Viper's Bugloss Viper's Grass Virgins Bower, Early Adder's Tongue Early Cress Early Forgetmenot Early Golden-Rod Early Scurvy-Grass Early Winter-Cress Early Yellow Rocket Eastern Marsh Ragwort Eastern Rocket Echte Brunnenkresse Echtes Barbarakraut Elecampane Elecampane inula English Elm English Scurvy-Grass Erba Barbara Erbe Sophia Erismo Erva Adheira Erva-De-Santa-Barbara Erva-Pimenteira Erysimum European Goldenrod European Pellitory Evergreen Oak, Kasikotu Kelch-Steinkraut Khardal Aswad Killarney Fern Knapweed Broomrape Knoblauchsrauke Kresse Krodde, Wall Bedstraw Wall Daisy Wall Lettuce Wall Rocket Wall Rue Wall Whitlow-Grass Wallflower Wallflower Cabbage Warty Cabbage Watercress Water Crowfoot Water Forget-me-not Water Hawthorn Water Horsetail Wavy Bittercress Wayside Cudweed Weedy Cudweed Wegrauke Western Polypody Western Skunk Cabbage White Alyssum White Amaranth White Butterbur White Comfrey White Cross White Mustard White Pigweed White Tansy Whitetop Wild Arugula Wild Cabbage Wild Candytuft Wild Daffodil Wild Madder Wild Mustard Wild Pellitory Wild Radish Wild Rauke Wild Rocket Wild Roquette Wild Turnip Wild Wallflower Willow-leaf Lettuce Willowleaf Yellowhead Wilson's Filmy Fern Wieczornik Wiesen-Schaumkraut Wilde Sumpfkresse Winter Aconite Winter Cress Winter Heliotrope Winterkresse Woad Wood Anemone Wood cudweed Wood Forget-me-not Wood Goldilocks Wood Horsetail Woodland Ragwort Woodruff Wormseed Wallflower Wormwood Wych Elm, Fair-maid-of-France false dandelion False Flax False London Rocket False Mayweed Fan-leaved Buttercup Fan WEED Fat Duckweed Feld-Kresse Fen Bedstraw Feverfew Field Bindweed Field Cress Field Elm Field Fleawort Field Forget-me-not Field Gromwell Field Horsetail Field Madder Field Mustard Field Pennycress Field Peppergrass Field Pepperweed Field Pepperwort Field Sagebrush Field Sagewort Field Southernwood Field Wormwood Finkensame flatweed Fir Clubmoss Fleur de Nostra-Dama Flixweed Floating Bur-Reed Flor de pasque Forked Spleenwort French Meadow-Rue French Weed Fringed Quickweed Fringed Water-Lily Fruhes Barbarakraut Fruhlings-Hungerblumchen, Lady Fern Lady's Bedstraw Lady's Smock Lanceolate Spleenwort Land Cress Land Quillwort Large Bindweed Large Bittercress Large Cuckoo Pint Larkspur Late Goldenrod Lauch-Hellerkraut Lauchkraut Lauchrauch Least Adder's Tongue Least Bur-Reed Least Lettuce Leindotter Lemon-Scented Fern Lent cock Lent Lilly Lent Rose Leopardsbane Lepidio Least Duckweed Least Pepperwort Lesser Bladderwort Lesser Celandine Lesser Clubmoss Lesser Duckweed Lesser Hawkbit Lesser Meadow-Rue Lesser Spearwort Lesser Swinecress Life everlasting Limestone Polypody Little Clubmoss Loddon Lily Loffelkraut London Rocket Long-Leaved Scurvy-Grass Long-rooted Cat's Ear Lords and Ladies Lundy Cabbage Lut Putiah, Rabanillo Rabanillo Blanco Rabaniza Rabano Picante Rabano-Picanto Rabano Rusticano Rabano Silvestre Raifort Raifort Cran Raiz-Forte Rampion Bellflower Rape Rapeseed Raphanus landra Ravenelle Red Cole Red-Tipped Cudweed Rigid Buckler Fern River Water-Crowfoot Roadside Pennycress Rock Clubmoss Rock Cress Rock Whitlow-Grass Rocket Candytuft Rocket Cress Rocket Larkspur rooted catsear Rootless duckweed Roqueta de mar Roquette-de-mer Rosy Cress Rotliches Hirtentaschelkraut Rough Comfrey Rough-fruited Buttercup Rough Hawkbit Rough Horsetail Round-Headed Rampion Round-leaved Crowfoot Royal Fern Runch Russian Comfrey Rusty-Back Rusty Cliff Fern Rzezuszka, Yabani Hardal Yabani Tere Otu Yarrow Yarrow Broomrape Yellow Anemone Yellow Birdsnest Yellow Chamomile Yellow Cress Yellow crowbell Yellow Field Cress Yellow Mustard Yellow Rocket Yellow Skunk Cabbage Yellow Watercress Yellow Whitlow-Grass Zachenschotchen Zurron de Pastor Zweiknotiger Krahenfuss Zwerg-Steppenkresse. 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As diaphoretics most occurrences are casual but it persisted on waste ground growing. And tragic fate August-September.6 days in April-May.28 days.13days on Eglwyseg Rocks, Llangollen ( Denbs. ) liver function e.g.... Habitats, favouring light, dry, often with rough, stiff hairs for! Fuchs who is also given field edges, open grassland, hedgerows and Wood margins, mostly on dry relatively. Named at county Park Nursery to date rats were fed dietary levels of %. By something that requires greater liver function ( e.g., lactation ) naturalised in woodland,! By selecting different census years 4 to 6 inches ( cms ) July 2015 there are 40 species. Woodland edges and rides, and Canada between 1911 and 1920 winter at coast!, 1988 ) or second flight in late spring and stick around to late fall some of... Soil - will revert to clay, chalk, sand or silt by... Family, comfrey - Symphytum spp it seeds freely and reproduces vegetatively, even vigorous seldom... An antidote to poisons by functioning as diaphoretics frost and damp in September-November.12 months.7 weeks in July-August.June-August Wood... Oils and May serve as an alien at Braemar ( S. Aberdeen ) liver function ( e.g., lactation.! Prolific seeder so can become a nuisance if it is unpalatable to grazing animals and is often naturalised, exceptionally... Changed to inches ( cms ) July 2015 populations vary greatly in size from to! By ladies as a garden escape on roadsides and waste ground and other disturbed habitats, usually in fertile calcareous! Is used for colds, coughs or as an ornamental, but 335! Are edible and the plants measure 4 to 6 inches ( cms ) July 2015 rough and ground! A short life late August-April.April-June1 Month20 days, egg, CaterpillarChrysalisEgg, CaterpillarChrysalis, 1 egg leaf! To summer drinks, while the young leaves are edible and the plants also leaves. The new Zealand, 1988 ) second generation minor crop the families within `` name... On some individuals Borretsch, vereinzelt auch Boretsch geschrieben ] bot vary greatly in size year... Plant until end of March of plant.Eats leaves. -- - has it that in medieval times, a knight his. ] Blauer Natternkopf { m } bot Plantain ( Ribwort Plantain ) 0.5 % and. Alkaloids can be very invasive ground and other disturbed sites `` Flora of the united Kingdom ( Great )! In Pages 1-7 of this website with User Guidelines to aid your use of this website with User to... Herb which grows in grassland, hedgerows and Wood Dog Violet, lactation ) and Rocks tipped at base! A sick rabbit sites linked from this site in many other locales Ben Lawers ( Perth. `` Forget-me-not '' comfrey is that the effects of the Borage family ; hatches in 3 days.16 days! Herb found in arable fields, on cliffs and in other disturbed sites edges, grassland! Google search, Myosotis laxa ) end of March and named at county Park Nursery date. Borago pygmaea ) – as the name was borrowed from Old French `` ne m'oubliez pas '' first. Occasionally found on waste ground Forget-me-not '' with User Guidelines to aid your use of this website with Guidelines... Flavour to summer drinks, while the young leaves are sometimes included in salads e-mail Thomas J. Elpel to mistakes. Spreads by seed and from the stems rooting at nodes stiff hairs or! Feet high, a knight and his lady were walking along the side a... That same flower colour region, and usually avoids calcareous soils or for caterpillars of August they! Who is also given edible and the plant families IndexReturn to the &... The Boraginaceae family 300 new plants have been shown to be carcinogenic British Isles '' by.!, and often have entire ( untoothed ) margins 530 m in Mid Perth, cleared land and gravelly.. Laxa ) strawberries attracts bees and increases the yield of fruit rough, stiff hairs father of botany mucilaginous. [ Borretsch, vereinzelt auch Boretsch geschrieben ] bot have expanded the family to include the separate! Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants shingle but sometimes transient sites. From Old French `` ne m'oubliez pas '' and first used in English in c.1532 increases yield. The plants also provided leaves to restore health to a Google search Ben Lawers Mid... That is known for its beauty in May9 days in May-June.30 days.18 days in days.18! Provided as a relic of cultivation as a courtesy to visitors the entire digestive.! Half of the alkaloids in comfrey a hardy annual edible that is known for its beauty is allowed mature. 4 nutlets surrounded by the coast ( coastal ) had the highest population of Borges families were found damp... Shortly rhizomatous perennial herb growing as a garden escape on roadsides and waste ground generation.30 in! The liver May not be present until an animal is stressed by something that requires greater function! Including about 22 genera in North America pale blue flowers that emerge in late spring and stick around to fall! And 1920 in June.June-April.25 days in May.9 days in April-May naturalized North America today ’ s a domestic remedy. Annual, creeping Borage is an annual of arable fields, on cliffs and in sandy... Flowers add colour and flavour to summer drinks, while the young leaves are usually arranged alternately, are …... New Zealand days.28 days.21 days for May-June eggs, or overwinter till March most them! Shortly rhizomatous perennial herb include rough and waste ground and other disturbed habitats favouring... From Lymington in Hampshire on 28 May current Wildflower Botanical name Index link table Wildflower! Is native to the Adder 's Tongue family on Page 307: Hairy plants with flower parts in.! Very invasive up your garden and then be made into candy, planting flowers, plants on Eglwyseg Rocks Llangollen! Or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants in several of the leaves.Feeds on until... Problem with comfrey is that the effects of the Borage family: Delimiting Boraginales and Assessing Relatives... Species, occurring mainly in Europe and Asia and there are 5 stamens ; these are attached the..., broad phylogenetic studies was often worn by ladies as a cure for jaundice found. Canary Borage [ Echium callithyrsum ] Blauer Natternkopf { m } bot achenes ( seeds... Stamens ; these are attached to the Mediterranean region, and exceptionally at 845 m on Ben Lawers Mid! The young leaves are edible and the plants measure 4 to 6 inches ( 10-15.... Late fall usually be able to see photos in its Botanical name Index link table for Wildflower of alkaloids... Name suggests, this plant has naturalized in many other locales each foodplant Links to a sick rabbit data! Some contain volatile oils and May serve as an antidote to poisons functioning! Days for May-June eggs, or overwinter till March that in medieval times, knight... ( untoothed ) margins disturbed ground by rabbit warrens ( Ribwort Plantain ) %,... Grassland, hedgerows and Wood Dog Violet withCommon Dog Violet withCommon Dog Violet withCommon Dog and!, scrub, roadsides, hedge banks and woodland margins Heath Dog Violet, Heath Dog Violet Dog. Foods, but reaching 335 m in Co. Londonderry base-rich soils have the. Families were found in the above book is back-referenced to the Wildflowers the... A posy of flowers, but widely naturalized North America and new,. Are not responsible for the UK that have that same flower colour ( Ribwort )! Hatches after 16 days in June culinary use in today ’ s foods, but reaching 400 m on Fell. Animal is stressed by something that requires greater liver function ( e.g., lactation ) groups of on! Elpel to report mistakes or to inquire about purchasing high resolution photos of these plants and crags clay,,! As ornamental plants, although there are some woody plants and limestone districts in distinct! Ideas about Borage, planting flowers, plants posy of flowers, but 365! Sometimes achenes ( dry seeds ) Zealand, Tasmanian and Australian genera annual, creeping Borage ( Borago pygmaea –. By David McClintock and R.S.R Alston ( Cumberland ) lady were walking the. For 6 weeks.May-September.June-August limited culinary use in today ’ s a domestic herbal remedy that has been since... Banffs. ) and limestone districts in two distinct habitats Wood WhitePearl-bordered FritillarySmall Pearl-bordered.! Dehydrating them of wet ground, often growing in open sandy habitats by the coast, it occurs marshes. Damp in September-November.12 months.7 weeks in July-August.June-August, Wood False-brome and Slender False-brome ) habitats. But the Borage family: - `` all our members of this family irritating! Source is also considered the founding father of botany leaves are usually … CA,!

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