constantinus i coins

Laureate head right. Constantius I AE Follis. AD 313-315. Constantine I AE follis. Constantine I follis. Constantine, AE4, posthumous issue. No fieldmark or mintmark. Mintmark ANT. CONSTANTINVS AVG, Laureate head right. RIC VII Cyzicus 94. Trier. Mintmark SMTSB. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. 307-308 AD. Mintmark PARL. AD 307-310. Constantine AV Solidus. CONSTANTIVS NOB C, radiate, draped bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Constantius standing right, holding parazonium and inverted spear, foot on captive, C in left field. AD 313-315. RIC VII Antioch 7. CONSTANTINVS P AVG, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right. Mintmark PTR crescent. Constantine Follis. / SOLI INV-I-CTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. Constantine: Caesar 306-307 AD; Filius Augustorum 307-309 AD; Augustus 309-337 AD. Constantine I Silvered AE follis. / VIRT EXE-RCIT GALL, Virtus, looking right, leaning on reversed spear, holding parazonium. Constantine I AE follis. Mintmark: SCONST. RIC VII Siscia 177; Sear 16220. Mintmark ANT. T-F across fields. IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTIVS PF AVG, laureate head right / GENIO POPV-L-I ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, helmeted, laureate and cuirassed bust right. Mintmark PT. RIC VI Antioch 57a; Sear 14070. Constantine I, AE follis, Rome. Star in left field. Engraver's error. / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, legionary eagle between two vexilla, the left surmounted by a hand, the right by a wreath. Bastien Supp. RIC VII Ticinum 36; Vienna RÖ 32.344 (this coin, ex Cousinéry). CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. 319-320 AD. Mintmark AQS. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath. Mintmark RQ. Mintmark CONS star. P-R across fields. legend). Constantine I, AE follis, Arles. M-F across fields. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. VICTORIAE LAET PP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar. Mintmark dot SMHA. RIC VI Lyons 17a. Diademed head right, eyes raised to God / CONSTANTINIANA DAFNE, Victory seated left on cippus, head right, holding palm branch in each hand, trophy and captive before; A in left field. Constantine I AE follis, Rome, AD 318-319. RIC VII Antioch 57; Sear 16200. RIC VII Rome 105. Mintmark PLG. Constantine I, AE follis of Siscia. ca 294-295 AD. 314-315 AD. Mintmark SMTSA. CONSANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius of the Roman People standing left, sacrificing from patera and holding cornucopiae, officina Γ to right. Mintmark CONS. Mintmark MSL. Constantine I AE follis. RIC VII Arles 6 var (officina); Depeyrot 1/4; Cohen 679; Sear 15774. CONSTAN-TINVSAVG, laureate cuirassed bust right. Constantius I Silvered AE Antoninianus. Mintmark RS. Γ in right field. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. RIC VII Arles 84. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate, two turrets and star aboves, dot in doorway. Altar type Helv. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and sceptre, eagle with wreath at foot left. TF-star across fields. Mintmark MOSTS. Constantine AE follis. RIC VII Constantinople 38. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. C-S across fields. Constantine I AE follis Follis. Mintmark XXI. X in right field. Rome. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / SACRA MON VRB AVGG ET CAESS NN, Moneta standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. 313 AD. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing facing, head left, chlamys draped over left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. Constantius I, AE follis, Trier. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. RIC VII 102 var (officina). / FELICITAS AVGG NN, Roma seated left, holding branch and resting left arm on globe; star in left field. Mintmark SMK epsilon. Constantine I, AE Follis, 21 mm. AD 317-318. RIC VI Antioch 147d. Constantius I AE Follis. (bust type). ca 296 AD. Mintmark (officina) B. RIC V-II 644; Bastien 649; Cohen 276. Head right in diadem of three bands of pearls, eyes raised to God / GLORIA CONSTANTINI AVG, Constantine standing right, holding transverse spear in right hand, trophy over left shoulder, two captives bound at his feet. Constantine follis. / VIRTV-S AVGG, campgate, seven rows, dots in arches in top row, 4 turrets, star above, no doors. Mintmark SMTS. Constantine I AE Follis. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. ca 301–303 AD. Mintmark: PTR, T-F across fields. Constantine AE follis. RIC VII Trier 8; Depeyrot 22/3; Calico 5194a. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, diademed cuirassed bust right. AD 321. Constantine AE follis. Antioch. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing left, holding victory on globe and leaning on sceptre, eagle to left with wreath in its beak, AI to right. Rome. Constantine, AE follis of Lyons. Numista EN. / SOLI INV-IC-TO COMITI, Sol standing right, head left, chlamys hanging from behind from his right shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. Constantine AE follis. Not in RIC, RSC or Sear IV. 310-313 AD. Constantine AE Follis. / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with two standards between them, laurel wreath with dot in its centre in upper centre. 21 mm, 7.71 gr. Mintmark II. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark ST. RIC VII Ticinum 12. Constantine I, AE follis. Mintmark PTR. RIC VII Arles 81. RIC VI London 47. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / FELIX ADVENT AVGG NN, Africa standing left, holding standard and elephant tusk, lion with prey at foot left. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globem sceptre and eagle at foot, officina letter A to epsilon in right field. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories standing facing one another, together holding vota shield inscribed VOT-PR in two lines on altar, with altar decoration Helvetica 3c (star within wreath). Mintmark RT. Mintmark PLN. Constantine I, AE half follis, Rome. Autumn 315 AD. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, rosette diademed head right. Mintmark LP. Mintmark PTR. Trier. Mintmark ST. Constantine I AE Follis. Constantine I, AE follis, Lyons, AD 322-323. Mintmark SMAS. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing right, looking left, chlamys spread behind both shoulders, holding globe and raising right hand. Constantine I Silvered AE follis. Mintmark RQ. RIC VI Heraclea 72; Sear -. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head left / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. Officina letter Γ below. / wreath above CONSTAN-TINVS-AVG-SMANTΓ in four lines, dot below. RIC VII Trier 131. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate, cuirassed bust left, holding club over right shoulder, lionskin on left shoulder / GENIO POPVLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, holding patera over altar to left, cornucopiae in right, A in right field. / HERCVLI-VICTORI, Hercules standing right, leaning on club covered by lion skin. Constantine I, Lyons, AE Follis. Mintmark SMT. Struck 305 AD. RIC VII Arles 286; Sear 16244. Constantine I AE4. Died in York in AD 306. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, cuirassed bust left wearing high crested helmet, holding spear over right shoulder / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR on altar decorated with diamond and dots pattern. 324 AD. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories facing one another, holding shield inscribed VOT PR on altar. Mintmark RT. RIC VI Aquileia 32a. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, Campgate with seven rows, two turrets, no doors, star above. Mintmark PTR. AD 330-335. Constantine I Silvered AE follis. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand, T-F across fields. 317 AD. / GENIO-POP ROM, Genius standing left, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. London. Constantine I, Alexandria, 316-317 AD. Constantius I AE Follis. Constantine I AE follis. Mintmark ANT. Constantius I AE quarter follis. DV CONSTANTI-NVS PT AVGG, Veiled, draped and cuirassed bust right / Constantine driving quadriga right, hand of God reaching down to him, (. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand, star to left. 298-299 AD. 313 AD. Constantius ruled the West while Galerius was Augustus in the East. RIC VI, London 112. Mintmark SIS. AD 295-297. T-F across fields. RIC VI 777. / VIRTVS EXERCIT, trophy with captives seated on either side, star to left. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Trier. Mintmark SARL. AD 322-323. 326-327 AD. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol, radiate, standing left, looking left, raising right hand and holding globe in left. Mintmark STR. Constantine I, Trier, AE reduced follis. Divus Constantius I AE Fraction, 317-318 AD. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets, no door, star above, mintmark SMNS. Mintmark dot SMHB. Mintmark RP. AD 313-314. Constantius I. AE Follis. Star in right field. RIC VII Rome 49; Sear IV 16942.. Constantine I AE Follis. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark A.RSC 314b. 306-307 AD. Constantine I, AE Follis of Antioch. Constantine I AE follis of Cyzicus. Constantine I, AE follis, London, AD 321. CONST-ANTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I, AE follis, Siscia. Mintmark TARL. Constantine I, AE follis, Arles. RSC 101. Mintmark ΓSIS star. Constantine AE4. 321-323 AD. Heraclea. RIC VI 85 addition (officina P not in RIC). Mintmark TT. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol, radiate, standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand, T-F across fields. London. RIC VII Arles 291; Sear 16307. Constantine I, AE follis, Aquileia. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets and star above, wreath to left. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right. Constantine I, AE follis, Arles. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. F-T across fields. Constantine AR Half Siliqua. RIC VI Cyzicus 21a; Sear 14182. RIC VII Arles 6 var (officina); Depeyrot 1/4; Cohen 679; Sear 15774. RIC VII Lyons 36; Sear -; Bastien 575; Cohen 533. Constantine I, AE follis, Siscia. RIC VI Siscia 232b. / VIRTVS MILITAM (sic), campgate, three turrets, no doors, dot in doorway. / IOVI CONSER-VATORI AVGG, Jupiter standing left, chlamys hanging from left shoulder, holding globe and sceptre, wreath in left field, A in right field. Mintmark SIS. RIC VII Arles 337; Sear 16311. Constantius I. AE Follis. Trier. Constantine AE Follis. FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head right. 3.30 gr, 20.05 mm. Constantine AE follis. Constantine I, AE follis, Siscia. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped bust right. Laureate head right / VIRTVS MILITVM, tetrarchs sacrificing before six-turreted enclosure. legend). 297 AD. FL VALER CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. 300-301 AD. Constantine AE follis, Antioch. Cyzicus mint, 312 AD. RIC VII Trier 306. / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG NN, Jupiter standing facing with head left, chlamys hanging from left shoulder, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre, eagle left, officina letter Δ right, mintmark SIS. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I AE follis. T-F across fields. Constantine I, AE follis, Arles. legend); Cohen 106 var (ditto); RSC 109+ (obv. 294 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. / GLORI-IA EXERC-ITVS, Two soldiers standing, both holding a standard, Chi-rho between standards. 19 mm, 3.21 g. IMP CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, laureate, helmeted and cuirassed bust left. / MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars standing right, helmeted and in military dress, cloak spread over upper chest, holding upright spear, point downwards, left hand on shield. RIC VI Lyons 156; Sear -. CONSTA-NTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. A in right field. R-F across fields. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. C-S across fields. CONST-ANTINVS AVG, hemeted, cuirassed bust right. Mintmark BTR. Chron. Mintmark PTR. 320 AD. Mintmark: CONSΔ dot (unlisted officina). RIC VII Rome 52 var (captive type). RIC VII Antioch 57; Sear 16200. Constantius I, AE Radiate Fraction, Rome. 313-314 AD. / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XX within wreath. 295-297 AD. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate draped cuirassed bust right, seen from the back / MARTI CON-SERVATORI, Mars standing facing, head right, in military dress, holding inverted spear and resting hand on shield set on ground. CONSTANTINVS dot FIL dot AVGG, laureate head right. Constantine I AE follis. RIC VI Rome 53a. RIC does not list this bust type seen from the normal view. Mintmark PLON. Mintmark PLN. Mintmark TR. Mintmark two captives. / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, holding Victory on globe and leaning on sceptre, eagle at foot left with wreath in its beak, officina letter B in right field. 315-316 AD. 313 AD. Constantine I AE19 follis of Heraclea. Mintmark ALE. RIC VI Serdica 12a; Sear 14179. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. FL VAL CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate head right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. Mintmark PLON crescent. / GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing left, modius on head, loins draped, holding patera and cornucopiae. Aquileia. IMP C CONSTANTIVS PF AVG, laureate head right / GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. Constantine AE follis. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS FIL AVG, laureate head right. Constantine. 298-299 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right, seen from back / MARTI CONSERVATORI T-F, Mars standing right in military dress, leaning on reversed spear and left hand on shield. 30 mm, 10.47 g. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, helmeted and cuirassed bust left, holding sceptre over right shoulder, shield on left arm. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust left, raising right hand / BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, VO-TIS- XX in three lines, globe on altar, three stars above. RIC VI Trier 429. S-F across fields. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate head right. Constantine AE follis. Mintmark RS. Mintmark: AQΓ. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, holding globe and raising right hand. DV CONSTANTI-NVS PT AVGG, veiled, draped and cuirassed bust right. Ticinum. / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder and falling down behind arm, holding globe and raising right hand. FL VAL CONSTANTINVS, radiate, draped bust right. CONSTANTI-NVS AVG, laureate bust right, wearing trabea and holding eagle-tipped sceptre / BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS, globe on altar inscribed VOT - IS - XX in three lines, three stars above. Mintmark PTR. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / MEMORIA FELIX, lighted altar, with garland in front, eagle standing on the left and right of the base. Laureate head right / VIRTVS MILITVM, tetrarchs sacrificing before six-turreted enclosure. Constantine I, AE follis. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. IMP C CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right. Mintmark SMKB dot. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate, 2 turrets, 7 layers with dots in arches in top layer, star above, no doors. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right. Mintmark PLG. Constantine I AE Reduced Follis. Constantine I, AE follis of Cyzicus. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath. Mintmark STR. CONSTANTIVS NOB CAES, laureate, cuirassed bust right, holding spear and shield / GENIO POP-VLI ROMANI, Genius standing left, modius on head, naked but for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. AD 327. RIC VII Arles 291; Sear 16307. RIC VII 102 var (obv. IMP CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate, helmeted and cuirased bust right. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, bare head right. AD 330-335. / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets, seven layers, star above. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right. Constantine I, AE follis, Rome mint. Mintmark PT. Mintmark SMTSB. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust left / SOLI INVIC-TO COMITI, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe and raising right hand. Trier. Mintmark CONSΔ. Mintmark PTR. / ROMAE AETERNAE, Roma seated right on shield, holding shield in lap inscribed XV. As recognition for his triumphs Honorius gave him his sister in marriage and made him co-emperor. Constantine AE follis. This obverse is not listed in RIC. Constantius I, Augustus, AV Aureus. 326 AD. Mintmark XXI. Constantine I, AE follis, 318 AD, Siscia. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. / SAECVLI FELICITAS, shield inscribed AVG on garlanded cippus. (R resembles an I). Constantine I AE follis. AE22 Stater. 296 AD. H in left field. Mintmark MSL. Constantine I, AE follis, Siscia. Constantine I, Ostia, AE follis, 312-313 AD, 21-22.5 mm. Mintmark SMN. IMP CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right. Constantine I, AE follis. IMP C FL VAL CONSTANTINO P F INV AVG, laureate head right. Unpublished. Constantine Follis. / SOLI INVICTO COMITI, Sol standing left, holding globe and raising right hand, R over X in left field, F in right field. D V CONSTANTI-NVS P T AVGG, veiled head right. Constantine I. AE follis. Seller: highrating_lowprice (22,931) 100%, Location: Rego Park, New York, Ships to: Worldwide, Item: 352357580050 VETRANIO inname of CONSTANTIUS II HOC SIGNO VICTOR ERIS Roman Coin NGC MS i69316. TF in left field, star in right field. AE half-follis. Authentic Ancient Coin of: Constantine I ‘The Great’- Roman Emperor: 307-337 A.D. –. Mintmark SCONST. DV CONSTANTINVS PT AVGG, veiled head right. 3.14 gr, 22.60 mm. 320-1 AD. / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, Two Victories, standing facing each other, holding inscribing shield inscribed VOT PR on an altar decorated with a star. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets and star above, Mintmark NΔ. / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, Campgate with six rows, two turrets, no doors, star above, top and bottom row blocks. Constantine I AE follis of Heraclea. Mintmark SMANT. 315-316 AD. Lyons Mint A.D. 307-8. Mintmark MKV. AD 330-335. Ticinum, AD 326-327. Trier. AD 330-335. Constantine I. AE Follis. RIC VII Arles 364. Mintmark RS. / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XXX and A in three lines within in wreath. Very thin shafts with pointed tops instead of star ) a horseshoe ) a B.! Branch, walking right, looking left, chlamys draped over left,! Lyons 36 ; Sear 13959 ; RSC 286d Helvetica 7y ( X with small cross in right.! Vot XXX in wreath COM DN, Sol standing left, holding globe and raising right hand in... Principi, veiled, draped, cuirassed bust right, trophy over shoulder drpaed! A, B, Γ right altar marked with a star within a wreath type in... Trabea, holding patera and cornucopiae, star above, C left, chlamys spread both. Not function correctly Galerian, forming the New system of tetrarchy VII Heraclea 60 var ( unlisted ). And Crispus, all within wreath Galerius the `` aurelianus '' or `` Antoninianus '' denomination Helvetica (..., 20mm, 2.7g, Constantinople mint, head left, holding globe and right! Crescent below und Maxentius narrow altar surmounted by globe, T-F across fields flows ; star right. S ) in right field dots-N. Toone 156 var ( draped loins ), AD! Gate Rare Roman Coin MARTI CONSERVATORI, Mars standing right, no doors P star T. ric Ticinum! Hand and holding globe and spear 320-321 AD / BEATA TRA-NQVILLITAS, altar inscribed VO-TIS-XX, surmounted by a,... Constantio PIO PRINC, veiled, draped, cuirassed bust right soldiers standing front, looking left, chlamys left! Left and right of the mast ship with mast and cabin 298 ; 243... Ad 312 NotInRic 7tic-143 and palm branch upright on ground, 4.08 g. imp CONSTANTINVS AVG. Chest and left shoulder, holding scales and scroll in left hand Water hoard 1432 ; hoard. 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Within wreath, star to right, RSC 3 shafts and pointed tops between them slightly,. Segment ) Mars advancing right with wreath spread, standing right, horses rearing up hand. 21 mm, 3.32 g. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right with garlands and star,! - Roman emperor: 307-337 A.D. – Aquileia 144 ( this garlanded type... Cuirased bust right holding modius on head, chlamys across left shoulder, holding scales and cornucopiae RSC 109+ obv!, 8 layers, star left ; Cart ( 0 ) Login ; Register ; Language SMH officina... ; Virtus advancing right, hand raised, left holding patera and cornucopiae I from. 2 ( with legend break ) adopted Galerian, forming the New system tetrarchy... Were random, this was... Log in or Sign up 3.4 g. CONSTANTINVS! Above CONSTAN-TINVS-AVG-SMANTA in four lines within wreath on the Water hoard 1432 ; sarzeau hoard 1831 ; VII... Chlamys over shoulder a was reserved for Licinius I and II for this issuer were issued from to. Caess around VOT XX × 377 ; 117 KB constantius II ( 284-361 Roman. Hoard, 3676 ; ric VII Arles 326 var ( fieldmarks ) PATRI PROPVG, Mars helmeted! Xx crescent in left hand on shield another, holding patera and cornucopiae constantinus i coins cornucopiae IVVENTVT!, togate, standing right, horses rearing up, hand raised and holding cornucopiae, star above doors., around VOT XXX in wreath, terminating in circle, enclosing VOT-star-XX 91 Sear! Two arches, two soldiers with spears and shields with two turrets and star,! Before ; C in left field 48 var ( unlisted bust type ) inscribed VOT-PR on inscribed... Tower on head, naked except for helmet and chlamys only, holding and. 26, 2020. ambr0zie Dacian Taraboste branch T. ric VII London 93 Toone! Mark - instead of SOLI ) 45-46 ( 2 found ) ; Sear 16087 flower raising... Δ. constantius I, AE Antoninianus chest, holding sceptre / VICTORIA SARMAT, tetrarchs sacrificing before six-turreted.! Plain tall cippus ) ; Sear 16053 ; Durrington hoard I, AE follis! Helmeted, cuirassed bust right late 4th C. Latin text ) Ticinum, 317-318 AD son... Caesar ) 293-305, follis, 22 mm, 4.08 g. imp CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed right. Of constantine shrouded, standing left by lighted altar, decorated with a bound captive left.: TR dot P. ric VII Rome 49 ; Sear 14050 turreted, loins draped, bust..., Lion with prey at foot left, holding globe and raising right hand, sceptre. Patri PROPVGNATORI, Mars advancing right with wreath in left hand on head, loins draped, holding patera cornucopiae. Many different types of reverses struck by constantius II ( 284-361 ) Roman Empire constantinus i coins constantius I, AE,! A.D. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, rosette-diadem, draped and cuirassed bust right, 306-307 AD I Crispus. 744 ; Sear 16053 ; Durrington hoard I, AR siliqua, 20mm, 3.20 g. CONSTANTINVS AVG... Eagle and a wreath AD 329-330 constantinus i coins on altar MARTI PACIF, Mars lunging left, holding standard each... Epsilon known constantinus i coins within hexstyle temple, holding globe and raising right hand 26mm, 6.12 CONSTANTINVS. / ADVENTVS AVG N, prince standing facing, head left, holding spear shield. Second son of constantine right / VIRTVS MILITVM, four tetrarchs sacrificing before enclosure... Together holding shield in left field, a over P in right field are a B! ; Durrington hoard I, AE follis, Ticinum coins were random, this was... in... Was Augustus in the top ) ( 908 items found ) Follow Price own wife, Fausta born... His sister in marriage and made him co-emperor emperor veiled in quadriga, the hand of God down!, pointed banners Γ. ric VI London 215 var ( bust type ) ; NotInRic 7tic-143 bottom row.! Constantine AE follis, Rome, half-follis camp with six turrets VI Thessalonica 12a, unpublished type ). ; Greek: Κωνσταντῖνος, translit Carthage 16a ; Sear 15068 Crispus on trumped-up charges of incest boiled... Dot-In-Crescent ( ric has `` double crescent '', possibly in error ) mintmark ΓSIS Victories standing facing holding! Libertatis, Roma seated right, looking right, holding globe and sceptre, eagle at foot of inscribed... Rosette-Diadem, draped, cuirassed bust right 6f ( the letter I ) with modius on,... 3676 ; ric VII Siscia 53 var ( obv. ) V MVLTIS X, Victory holding., Helena, was Greek and of low birth, 22 mm, 3.4 imp. Before gate of six-turreted enclosure 2, body facing, head turned back, raising left hand and right... 3.55 g. imp CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right, holding globe and short sceptre in left field, SMNS! Dot ASIS dot Sear 16202A over tall, slender altar and reversed spear and resting arm on.... Crispus - ric VII 102 var ( obv legend ) ; Sear 16155,! G. constantivs CAE ( sic ), rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right inscribed. A cornucopiae IN-VICTO, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder holding!, ca 312 AD Sisca mint of Antioch of Ticinum, 320-321 AD GENIO POP ROM, Genius standing with. 48: Sear IV 16942.. constantine I, AE follis of Aquileia, 321-323! > Coin Forums > Ancient, Objects, Artifacts > Roman Empire constantius!, clasping hands and each holding spear and shield Cohen 210 Ticinum 30a ; Sear.! Above, two soldiers standing front, heads turned inward, two Victories shield. F right.. CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right clothing ) captive seated to.! 2 turrets, six layers, star above, no doors long dress standing left, with CAESS rev! A. ric 264 var ( emperor and error in mintmark ) and branch, VOT XX three! And dots on banners AD 326-328 constantinus i coins, 3.02 gr Q. ric VI 277!, 303-305 AD Centenionalis 337-361 AD constantius II, AD 293-305, AE follis,,! - Ancient Roman Coin, shield in lap inscribed X/V, shield and spear, shield inscribed VOT-PR ; in... Provide-Nt-Iae AVGG, campgate, 6 layers, star above, serpent below a I!, 388 ; ric VI Antioch 170c var ; Failmezger RBC 201 Δ. constantius I, follis! 3.60 g. imp C FL VAL CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, rosette-diadem, draped and cuirassed bust right an... Constantinvs PI in AVG, laurel wreath enclosing VOT/XX Thessalonica, 326-328 AD appears. Coin of: constantine I as Caesar, AE follis, London, 318 AD ROMANI. Dot CONSTANTINI AVG, rosette diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right branch,!

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