internet usage survey results

(Global Market Insights; Statista estimates, 2018), It was forecasted that 5G connections in North America in 2019 will be around 4 million, and is expected to grow to over 400 million by 2025. SNS (Facebook, LINE, Twitter etc. (Verto Analytics, 2019), As of October 2018, Discord had 10.78 million monthly active users in the United States, ranking 8th among the list of mobile messaging apps in the U.S. with the most number of monthly active users. (Snap Inc., 2019), The global mobile social penetration as of January 2019 was 42%. (Monetate, 2018), It was found that as of Q3 of 2018, 3.37% online shoppers who used Chrome OS were converted into purchases. (Shared2you, 2018), Candy Crush Saga was the leading Android app in the Google Play Store worldwide with the highest generated revenue, generating over 57.8 million U.S. dollars in revenue in March 2019.,,,,, The number of students at these universities ranged from approximately 1000 to 30,000. 1999;46:137–55. Insomnia symptoms and well-being: longitudinal follow-up. Make sure that each sub-segment of respondents you reach out to is a significant number so that your results will be statistically sound. Turkish Online J Educ Technol. Psychiatry Res. (Ofcom, 2017), It was found during a 2017 survey that over 80% of the respondents worldwide prefer streaming music services over AM/FM radio because they have the freedome to choose what to listen to and when. The Top U.S. Social Networking Apps as of October 2018 According to User Engagement, The Top U.S. What is the Projected Spending of the IoT in the Global Agricultural Sector? (Priori Data, 2019), Facebook Messenger was the second-most popular communications app in the Google Play Store worldwide in March 2019, with almost 55.7 number of downloads. Which Country Had the Highest Share of the Global Mobile Minutes as of May 2017? This section consisted of three questions specific to SNS as follows: (1) “Do you use SNS (Facebook, mixi, Twitter, LINE)?” (Yes/No). (Verto Analytics, 2017), According to a survey period conducted by Verto Analytics in 2016, PC owners in the U.S. had an average of 80.5 apps installed on their computers but use only 7.6 of them per month, and only 1 used daily. J Behav Addict. The Main Motivations Why Internet Users Use VPN as of Q1 of 2018. (Domo, 2018), 49,380 photos were posted on Instagram every minute as of June 2018. (Spiceworks, 2018), A July 2017 survey revealed that 15.2% of respondents stated that they are currently investigating and are interested in the potential opportunities of IoT while 5.8% said they didn’t take any actions or at least tried to learn IoT, and only 3% saying that IoT is not relevant to their business strategy. Web survey powered by Besides research on psychiatric diseases related to PIU, a growing number of studies focus on the impact of the Internet on subjective well-being (SWB). What were the Most Popular Multi-Platform Web Properties in the U.S. with the Highest Number of Unique Visitors in December 2018? (eMarketer, 2017), As of February 2016, 71% of teen and young adult Snapchat users in the U.S. stated that they predominantly used chat and snap features, compared to the 24% who stated that they equally use chat/snap features, as well as view Discover/Live and follow celebrities and brands. (OECD, 2019), The United States only had around 7.3 DSL subscriptions per 100 inhabitants as of June 2018. Measuring user influence in twitter : the million follower fallacy. Disgruntled as he may be, he tries to keep his articles as honest as possible. Internet browsing (news, message boards, online shopping, reading online comics), 5. What is the Projected Spending of the IoT in the Security Sector Around the World? Please check your Twitter Profile screen and if you have more than one account please indicate the total number of people”. Momoko Kitazawa, Michitaka Yoshimura, Hidefumi Hitokoto, Mayu Murata, Yuka Sato-Fujimoto and Kazuno Negishi have nothing to disclose. (Pew Research Center; National Opinion Research Center, 2018), As of April 2018, it was found that 75% of teenagers in the United States who use Instagram were female and 69% were male. Zadra S, Bischof G, Besser B, Bischof A, Meyer C, John U, et al. How Many Smartphone Units were Shipped to Different Regions Around the World? Although with PIU the agent of dependence is different from substance dependence, we also found a negative correlation between happiness and PIU in this study population. In previous studies on addiction and happiness, Long et al. SNS is more frequently used by females than males (39.7% in males, 60.1% in females), while online games are more frequently used by males than females (male 18%, female 7.0%). (Counterpoint Research, 2018), is the global agricultural IoT market size in 2018. How Many IoT Units were Installed within Smart Cities in 2018? What Percentage of the U.S. It was shown that there was a significant negative correlation between Japanese youths’ happiness and PIU. (OECD, 2019), According to a survey conducted on June 2018, only 24.8% of the fixed broadband subscriptions were connected via Fibre connection. As of January 2019, North America and Northern Europe ranked first in the Global internet penetration rate with a rate of 95%. Cha M, Haddai H, Benevenuto F, Gummadi KP. Typically, such studies investigate the relationship between mental health and Internet dependence, which is in many cases assessed by scales such as the Internet addiction test (IAT) [4], Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS) [5], and others. (Salesforce Research, 2019), Desktop computers represent 29% of the global retail site visits but generated more than the site visit shares, representing 45% of online shopping orders as of Q4 of 2018. (Priori Data, 2019), Facebook Messenger app had been downloaded over 7 million times in iPhone devices around the world in March 2019. (We Are Social, 2019), It was found in a 2017 survey made by ITU that 44.9% of the global female population had online access. (Morning Consult, 2018), As of February 2018, it was found during a survey conducted by Morning Consult that 12% of U.S. online users access Facebook a few times a week, compared to 5% saying they do so at least once a week. (Verto Analytics, 2019), Shared2you conducted a survey in June 2018 and found that Gmail had the highest reach among Android mobile users in the United States, with a reach of 96.84%., followed by YouTube, with a 96.49% reach. (Pew Research Center; National Opinion Research Center, 2018), As of April 2018, 74% of U.S. teens living in households with an income of less than 30,000 U.S. dollars used Instagram, while 72% of U.S. teens living in households with an income between 30,000 to 74,999 U.S. dollars used Instagram, and only 71% of U.S. teens living in households with an income of more than 75,000 U.S. dollars used Instagram. (Kaspersky Lab, 2018), LINE: Free Calls & Messages was the leading communication apps in the Google Play Store with the highest revenue worldwide, generating over 6.6 million U.S. dollars in revenue in March 2019. The Predicted Retail E-commerce Sales Compound Annual Growth Rate in Selected Countries, The Average Value of Online Orders Placed by Different Platforms as of Q3 of 2018. (Statista Survey, 2017), It was found that as of February 2017, 70% of adult respondents in the U.S. aged 60 years old and over, 72% of adult internet users aged between 30-59 years old, and 67% of internet users aged between 18-29 years old spend most of their daily online activities on search engines to find information. (UPS; comScore, 2017), In 2017, the revenue of IoT in connected cities was 36.6 billion U.S. dollars, and is expected to reach 38.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2018. How Many Cellular (Mobile) Subscriptions were there in 2018? (Common Sense Media, 2017), As of January 2017, it was found that 82% of U.S. teenagers got news from social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and YouTube, while only 63% of tweenages in the U.S. said the same thing. What is the Forecasted Number of Smartphone Shipments Around the World in 2022? Following another person or account on Twitter is equivalent to subscribing to the posting (tweeting) of that person, and when one person subscribes to another person’s tweets, they are called a “follower”. (PwC, 2017), 34% of the respondents in 2017 stated they shop only a few times a year with their desktop/laptop devices while 21% stated they also shop only a few times a year but with their mobile devices. All authors wrote the paper. (Leichtman Research Group, 2019), In Q3 of 2018, Charter had the second-highest number of broadband subscribers in the United States, with about 24.6 million broadband subscribers. (Priori Data, 2019), Netflix was ranked third among the leading iPhone app in the Apple App Store worldwide that generated the highest revenue in March 2019, generating almost 30 million U.S. dollars in revenue. Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics and difference between high- and low-IHS groups regarding PIU, sleep states, Internet usage time, Twitter usage, and school performance. It seems reasonable that one’s happiness can also be impaired by a decrease in communication due to Internet dependencies; however, this causality is yet to be determined. Therefore, a sense of high happiness may be related to the positive attitude and motivation that causes one to actively ask for connections with others. Osada H. Internet addiction in Japanese college students: is Japanese version of internet addiction test (JIAT) useful as a screening tool? Create your own online survey now with SurveyMonkey's expert certified FREE templates. Which Among the Android Apps in the Google Play Store Worldwide Had the Highest Number of Downloads in March 2019? Among Users Aged Under 30 years as of January 2017. (Verto Analytics, 2019), Reddit only had an audience reach of 17.8% in the United States while Twitter had over 36% as of October 2018. Policies and Practices for Successful Schools: PISA; 2015. ICT facts and figures; 2017. p. 1–8. In February 2019, Asia generated the highest total web traffic via mobile devices (excluding tablets), representing over 60% of webpage views for that month. In response to the question about the content accessed online, SNS was the most frequent answer for males and females (51.3%). There’s some interesting statistics in this year’s survey in relation to ecommerce and dialup access. (Merkle, 2019), As of February 2017, Facebook had the highest usage rate among the selected social networks in the U.S., with a usage rating of 78%, followed by YouTube with a usage rating of 48%., then Twitter with a 34% usage rate. (Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers; Capital IQ, 2018), As of May 2018, Microsoft had a market value of 783 billion U.S. dollars. (Monetate, 2018), As of Q3 of 2018, the average order value of online shopping orders made through iOS devices from around the world had an average value of 85.74 U.S. dollars. (comScore, 2019), YouTube was accessed by 82% of mobile audiences in the United States, making it the most popular video sharing app as of December 2018, followed by Facebook, with a mobile audience reach of 75.7%. (Nielsen, 2018), As of Q2 of 2017, it was found that online users aged between 18-24 years old spent an average of 1,481 minutes online on their computer on a monthly basis, compared to online users aged 65 and over who spends over 2,000 minutes online on their computer on a monthly basis. (Statista estimates; Grand View Research, 2019), The IoT professional services spending in 2021 is expected to reach 2.07 billion U.S. dollars, up from the expected spending amount in the same service of 1.59 billion U.S. dollars in the preceding year. What is the Most Popular Payment Method for Daily Transactions to the Global Internet Users as of September 2017? What is the Current and Planned Adoption of Information Technology Trends in Europe and North America as of 2018? Here’s another example using 15 responses to a 7 point scale on perceived ease of use: 7, 5, 2, 3, 6, 1, 5, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 6. English is the most common language used on the internet as of March 2017, with over 952 million online speakers. (Mobile Ecosystem Forum; Various sources (ForgeRock); MarketingCharts, 2017), As of July 2017, 40% of the respondents from 10 different countries stated that they’d trust mobile apps and services’ use of data more if they were allowed to withdraw the permission to using their data. How Many IPv4 Addresses Are There as of Q1 of 2017? is the internet penetration rate of North Korea which ranked first as the country with the lowest internet penetration as of January 2019 (Hootsuite; We Are Social; DataReportal, 2019), of the global internet users speak Chinese, which is the second-most common languages used on the internet as of December 2017 (Internet World Stats; Nielsen; ITU; GfK, 2018), of the people living in developed countries used the internet, estimated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in 2018, of the fixed broadband subscriptions were connected via DSL connection. (Consumer Technology Association; Statista estimates, 2019), In 2020, the smart electricity meter market in the U.S. is forecasted to generate over 16 billion U.S. dollars in revenue, and is expected to reach 21.7 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2025. (Strategy Analytics, 2018), The connected enterprise maket in 2020 is expected to generate 91.2 billion U.S. dollars of revenue, and is expected to generate 421.5 billion U.S. dollars in revenue in 2025. In addition, each university that participated in this study obtained permission from its Institutional Review Board or equivalent committee. (452 Research, 2017), The forecasted size of Fog applications/platforms of the fog computing market in 2020 will be over 1.6 billion U.S. dollars, and is then forecasted to reach 2.6 billion U.S. dollars in size in 2021, then almost 3.9 billion U.S. dollars in size by 2022. As of July 2017, 24% of the mid-market enterprises in the U.S. said that they were currently planning and experimenting IoT technology, while 37.6% of respondents stated that they were still in the deployment phase of production for IoT technology, and 14.4% who said that they have already effectively deployed the IoT technology. Associations between Problematic Internet Use and Psychiatric Symptoms among University Students in Japan. (OECD, 2019), According to a survey conducted on June 2018, 33.1% of the fixed broadband subscriptions were connected via cable modem. (Localytics; eMarketer, 2018), Android gaming apps covered 88.2% of the Android apps gross revenue during Q3 of 2017, amounting to 4.5 billion U.S. dollars while non-gaming apps only amounted to 0.6 billion U.S. dollars in revenue. (comScore; IAB, 2017), According to a survey conducted in 2018, it was found that 89% of male adults and 88% of female adults in the United States use the internet. (Nielsen; Video Advertising Bureau, 2018), In fall 2018, it was revealed that 47% of teen online shoppers in the U.S. prefer to shop on Amazon, compared to 5% of teens who prefer to shop online on Nike. 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