is little house on the prairie still on insp

Sixteen year-old Willie Oleson shocks his parents when he reveals his plans to get married. During a nap prior to a Halloween costume party, Albert dreams that he and his sister Laura have been captured by Indians who mistake him for the son of a famous chief—and expect him to help lead an attack against the U.S. Army. The Ingalls family, joined by their friends the Edwards’, pack up and move into the rough, dangerous, and greedy world of gold seekers. As Laura and Mary prepare to go to school for the first time in their lives, they are afraid the other children won’t like them. Hallmark Movies Now. Walnut Grove finally gets a newspaper, but when the editor allows Mrs. Oleson to write a gossip column, the community is shocked at what they read about themselves and their neighbors as she uses her column to praise her family and punish her enemies. Additionally, Little House on the Prairie can also be seen on INSP; and, because of it's historical background, the FCC deemed the show as acceptable to meet E/I programming guidelines. Unfortunately, when Caroline’s mother dies en route, she is left to deal with her father’s pain.  When he begins to share his stories of growing up in the big woods, the whole family encourages him to write an autobiography. But surprises are in store for everyone as both Charles and Mary experience a trip very different from the one they each expected. Reverend Alden stirs a hornet’s nest in Walnut Grove when he asks for donations toward a church bell.  When quarreling starts, Reverend Alden convinces himself he must leave town. Mrs. Garvey hires Nellie Olesen to tutor Andy. The clerk. Charles Ingalls and his daughter Laura rush to the aid of their old friend Edwards when they learn that a crippling accident has destroyed his will to live. The mysterious... READ MORE, Little Joe was young, hot-headed, charming and ever the ladies’ man! A roaring fire takes two lives as it burns Mary’s Walnut Grove School for the Blind to the ground, bringing tragedy and change to the stunned residents of the small farm community. Dr. Baker sees his career and his reputation shattered when Laura finds her baby dead in his crib shortly after a physical examination by the physician. A comedy of misunderstandings results when Laura sees Nels accidentally beheading what is actually a mannequin from his store.  Laura reports what she had seen to Nellie and Willie, who decide to play along so Nellie can have some fun at Laura’s expense. When Jonathan Garvey’s crops fail and he suffers a lack of work at the mill, his wife Alice insists on helping the family’s poor financial situation.  When Jonathan announces he wants a divorce, the split leaves the Ingalls family torn between their friends and seeking a way to help the couple. The man sets out to teach Albert about the pride of workmanship and explain the mysteries of Jewish traditions. Despite the happiness of her family over the impending birth, Caroline’s excitement turns to worry when she senses that Charles wants a boy.  Frustrated, Charles decides to send his daughters to a friend, giving him a chance to talk privately with Caroline.  When birth-time suddenly arrives, Ma and Pa Ingalls are left alone without a doctor. Laura’s innocent joke about a fat man leads to grave consequences when she learns that the fellow she was making fun of is her best friend’s father. Laura passes the state examinations and gets her license to teach just in time to take over for an ailing teacher in a nearby town.  Meanwhile, Almanzo begins to notice he has gained more respect and affection for Laura. Little House on the Prairie (later known as Little House: A New Beginning in its final season) is an American Western historical drama television series, starring Michael Landon, Melissa Gilbert, Karen Grassle, and Melissa Sue Anderson, about a family living on a farm in Plum Creek near Walnut Grove, Minnesota, in the 1870s, 1880s, and 1890s. Little House Years Part 1 of 3, The: When the Ingalls’ get together for Thanksgiving, the family shares stories of their favorite memories. When Charles’ mother passes away after a long illness, he travels back to Wisconsin to handle the funeral arrangements.  Charles talks his despondent father into coming to Walnut Grove, where he forms a special bond with Laura. Albert connects immediately with his pen pal, but as it turns out, they are both going to harmful lengths to impress each other. The new programming kicks off with the Little House on the Prairie "Premiere Marathon" on New Year's Day (Sunday, Jan. 1) starting at 1pm. After earning money to have her horse shod for the annual race, Laura learns that the Oleson’s have purchased an expensive racehorse for Nellie.  On the day of the big race, everyone else withdraws because of the Oleson’s animal, leaving Laura and her tired horse to race Nellie and her high-stepping speedster. However, the young artist’s work suddenly turns dark and troubled, reflecting her troubled past. Charles and Caroline give their reluctant approval when they discover that their eldest daughter, 13 year-old Mary, has accepted a neighbor boy’s proposal of marriage.  All wonder if the marriage plan is the best for the couple when they learn the boy has decided to refuse a longed-for college scholarship to wed Mary. Away from home on a buying trip, Charles Ingalls faces a problem when a lonely woman and her two small children turn to him for affection because the family’s rancher father has let drinking turn him into a brusque, uncaring father and husband. When Isaiah Edwards promises a dying man that he’ll find a home for his “little girl,” he learns too late that the “girl” is a baby orangutan.  The creature wreaks havoc on Walnut Grove and the local children do their best to protect it from Mrs. Oleson. Meanwhile, Caroline rounds up the farmers’ wives to salvage what’s left of the crops while trying to remain optimistic in the face of the trial. The joy of his new family is shattered when Mr. Edwards tries to make a hunter out of his bookish adopted son. When Charles and Caroline take a trip to Milwaukee for a school reunion, they are disappointed to learn what has become of their former classmates. Laura takes the child in and cares for it like it was her own, not knowing it belongs to a timid young woman in trouble. When Charles learns that the school in Winoka for blind children has been closed, he arranges for a new school in Walnut Grove and sets out to help guide the sightless students on their trip. Charles Ingalls leads 25 blind children through the woods to their new school in Walnut Grove and Adam confesses cowardice to his new wife, Mary, when he panics at the dangerous river crossing in the woods. Charles soon presses to make a decision about the animal’s future. Infuriated by his wife’s cheapness, Nels Oleson teams up with the kidnappers and others to set his wife straight. No older than nine years old, the child escapes and seeks shelter with the Wilders. Can “little” Willie prove himself to be a match for his meddling mother? Guest Star John Ireland – The entire population of Walnut Grove rushes to the aid of the Ingalls family in their desperate struggle to save their child, but a drunken ex-miner may turn out to be the only person capable of rescuing tiny Carrie Ingalls who is trapped in a deep hole. Charles begins to help his new friend, a troubled boy named Albert. He is rescued by an Indian.  After being reunited with his girls, Charles is faced with turning over his Indian friend to the U.S. Marshall or risk prison for helping the wanted man escape. When a young, overweight boy named Elmer Miles is mercilessly teased at school, Nancy goes easy on him because she actually seems to like him.  Nancy has plenty of hurtful plans up her sleeve once she gains Elmer’s trust. Although his intentions are good, his win at all costs philosophy may prove dangerous to the children on the team. Charles is shocked to discover that the happy-go-lucky former mountain man is now filled with rage, anger, and hatred. Charles meets up with his former Kansas neighbor Mr. Edwards, and brings him home to the homestead.  All the Ingalls girls are delighted to see him, and Caroline quickly sets her mind to finding Mr. Edwards a potential wife. Charles is forced to address Albert’s recent criminal behavior. twitter; instagram; pinterest; facebook; Hallmark Channel. Little House on the Prairie is one of the most beloved classic TV shows of all time. About Us. The Little House books have been adapted for stage or screen more than once, most successfully as the American television series Little House on the Prairie, which ran from 1974 to 1983. The sidekick. The grieving girl soon tries dangerous methods to ease her pain. At Thanksgiving, the Ingalls family shares stories of their favorite memories. Judd Larrabee finds himself on trial for burning the Garvey family’s barn and assaulting a Garvey child.  Andy Larrabee is insistent on his father’s innocence and is enraged by the trial, while jury foreman Charles Ingalls pushes hard for a guilty verdict – unaware of the secret kept by young Andy Garvey. Little House on the Prairie Cast. Hard times force Charles to move his family from their quiet farm at Plum Creek.  They settle in a noisy western town near where their daughter, Mary, lives and teaches at a  school for the blind. The episodes are timeless - in fact they still teach good lessons even today. Charles Ingalls rushes her to an examination by an eye specialist unaware that Mary’s husband, Adam, has fallen into a deep depression over the news. The excited townsfolk begin wagering bets on the outcome. After several people in Walnut Grove become mysteriously ill, Dr. Baker suspects they may be fighting a plague. Little Joe was young, hot-headed, charming and ever the ladies’ man! Such a classic story. After Charles and Caroline see the raccoon turn rabid, they learn that it has bitten Laura and Jack.  Now, they feel their only hope against infection is prayer. When Laura Ingalls thinks she has discovered gold, she dreams of giving her family a wonderful new way of life, including a royal coach and white satin clothes. Photos. When Mary is hired as a teacher in a small backwoods community called Willow Run, she is met with pure hatred from its town leader, Miss Peel, an elderly woman who is fiercely opposed to the school. When Edwards realizes he has passed the fever to his small daughter, he takes the child to a mountain cabin to nurse her, and to isolate himself from others—but Laura Ingalls makes the dangerous mistake of trying to help. Mr. Edwards arrives back to Walnut Grove a troubled and broken man. It didn’t take long for Landon to burst onto the Hollywood scene. When Laura and Albert decide to play cupid, their efforts to spark a romance between an aimless wanderer and prim and proper Amanda Jane Cooper run into problems. Filled with sorrow and rage, Laura Ingalls Wilder blames Dr. Baker for the sudden, unexplained death of her newborn son. Coming home after 12 years of performing with a busy Philadelphia orchestra, Mrs. Whipple’s troubled son, Granville, hopes that the peace of Walnut Grove will help him shake the nightmares and the morphine addiction that resulted from an incident during the Civil War Battle of Shiloh. When John’s boss reveals that he was about to publish a story about business corruption, Charles and Mr. Edwards become suspicious and soon realize that John Jr. was marked for murder. When James continues to linger in a coma after being shot in Sleepy Eye, Charles refuses to believe his son will not recover. When a dwarf man tries to find work in Walnut Grove, he faces prejudice from the locals.  The man then turns to stealing to eat and faces charges, but a child from the town soon finds herself in danger and her only hope of rescue may be this very same man. Following Reverend Alden’s lead, the Walnut Grove townsfolk try to turn the other cheek when the bad behavior of the recently arrived Galender brothers causes tempers to flare, until a series of incidents begins to reveal the trio’s more sinister nature. Mary joyfully accepts the marriage proposal of Adam Kendall. Privacy Notice and Disclosure for California Residents. He hires his friend Harv Miller to assist him with his crop and also help take care of his sister, Eliza Jane’s, house. When the frightened youngsters run away from their new home, Charles is forced to make a difficult choice about their future. Here’s what we know. After “Little House on the Prairie” ended, Karen Grassle returned to the theatre work that she loved and guest-starred in TV shows and movies. Little House on the Prairie has never left syndicated air. Almanzo’s younger brother, Perley, comes to town. Love Little House on the Prairie as much as we do? And we’ve got a few fashionistas strutting their stuff in... READ MORE, Meet real cowboys, Bubba Thompson, Cody Harris, and Chris "Booger" Brown, as they work hard to build their cattle... READ MORE, An INSP Exclusive SEASON ONE • 1974-1975 Check out our Little House on the Prairie Episode Guide. When Albert tells Charles Ingalls that he doesn’t really feel like part of the family because he hasn’t been legally adopted, the Ingalls try to please the lad by going to court.  All are amazed to learn that Albert’s real father has developed a sudden interest in him and demands he be returned to his custody. A visiting  and aging circus daredevil Gambini the Great has a hypnotic effect on all the children of Walnut Grove, especially Albert and Willie. Charles works with the boy’s father to try and get him sober and face the root of the anger that drives him to drink and hurt the son who loves him. Laura Ingalls Wilder is thrilled when she wins a writing contest and travels to Minneapolis to meet a publisher.  They encourage her to write her first “Little House” book—but she faces a decision when the editor demands that she insert more excitement and drama into her simple stories. Mary decides to remove and hide her glasses, but something she sees may change her mind. Laura and Albert run away from home to help a dying boy realize his lifelong dream of seeing the ocean. Guest Stars Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash – When Rev. Guest Stars John Ireland, Merlin Olsen, and Patrick Laborteaux – Young Tom Carlin is convinced that his blindness makes him useless, and his father, Frank, played by John Ireland, sees no reason to educate the lad – until he takes part in one of history’s strangest football games between rich kids and poor kids. Mrs. Oleson is shattered by the news that daughter Nellie has moved to New York to live. Charles and Caroline Ingalls arrive in Winoka for the wedding, but discover that Mary, who has doubts that two blind people can safely raise children, is having second thoughts about the marriage. INSP notes Landon’s Little House on the Prairie fame brought his attention to the makeup artist for the show, Cindy Clerico. Guest Star Ernest Borgnine –  Jealous of the attention Charles showers on his newborn son, Laura longs for the place she believes she’s lost in her pa’s affections and angrily refuses to pray for her little brother to get well when the baby becomes seriously ill. Albert is plagued by the continuing gossip and confusion about his friend Sylvia.  When he learns that Sylvia may move to another state, Albert takes a job with the local blacksmith and plans to save enough money to make Sylvia his wife. Follow Us. More than a generation later, "Little House" makes its home on INSP TV. His inability to stay off the bottle nearly destroys his long friendship with Charles due to an accident that nearly kills Albert. Laura sets out to put her childhood behind her and convince Almanzo that her feelings for him are much more than puppy love. The outlaw—now reformed. Guest Star Patricia Neal – A widow tries to find a home for her three young children when she learns that an incurable disease will soon take her life. Royal soon becomes bed-ridden and then passes away, leaving his young daughter, Jenny, devastated. This episode is filled with many flashbacks of Little House on the Prairie’s greatest, most memorable moments. Now, Charles is faced with turning his back on an old friend in order to protect his family. When Mrs. Oleson finds an old city bond and tries to take control of Walnut Grove by having her husband become mayor, a local farmer insists on an election and nominates Almanzo Wilder for the job. Little House On The Prairie was a wonderful, fun TV program. When Sarah Carter’s father, a powerful New York publisher, arrives in Walnut Grove,  he creates havoc in her family and marriage with his demands that they give up the simple life and move east with him to enjoy a life of luxury. Divorce looms when Nels and his dog storm away from Harriet and the mercantile after the Olesons quarrel over the price of eggs.  But the situation only gets more muddled when the townsfolk try to help them reconcile, prompting Harriet to pack her bags. Laura suggests an idea for them to earn some money, but it may drive a wedge into their relationship. "The Godsister" is the only Little House On The Prairie episode that features Carrie as the main character. Please feel free to share your love of this wonderful show. During a trip to Sleepy Eye, James and Albert walk into a bank robbery. When Jesse and Frank James come to town and assume false identities, they hire Mary Ingalls to run errands for them.  The James boys have a posse on their tails. Ready or not, here come the Ingalls. Directed by William F. Claxton. Angered by his wife’s constant nagging and complaining, Nels Oleson decides to escape for a while by taking a “traveling store” into the countryside, where he meets a delightful woman and discovers that he’s slowly falling in love. Little House on the Prairie. When Mary Ingalls Kendall learns that she is pregnant, she sets out to reconcile her husband with his estranged father—a rift created when the old man rejected his son at the time the boy was blinded. The Ingalls and their former neighbors discover that life in Winoka is much different as they settle into new jobs. Young Albert Ingalls soon apologizes for joining with the boys and their teasing and begins to fall in love with the girl, unaware that she is living in a world of fear and humiliation after being assaulted. We all know Allison as Nancy Oleson whom Harriet and Nels adopt in Season 8 of the "Little House on the Prairie" TV show. The sudden, strange death of a young parishioner causes Charles to investigate the dynamic preacher’s background. Charles Ingalls was wise, loving with an... READ MORE. However, when Johnny goes to Mankato with Mr. Edwards to begin his journey, he meets a young girl intent on taking Johnny’s traveling money. Unfortunately, the town faces tremendous financial difficulties, just as college-bound Albert receives some devastating news of his own. 2021-01-11. At a fishing pond, Laura and Mr. Sprague meet and become friends.  When Mr. Sprague learns that Laura is the daughter of a man he refused, their friendship is in danger of dying. The goat quickly wreaks havoc on Walnut Grove, eating the Ingalls family crops, butting Reverend Alden in the backside and more. A newly arrived immigrant family provides an example of true thankfulness and a reminder that freedom isn’t free after a property tax increase leaves most of the citizens of Walnut Grove in no mood to celebrate the United States’ 100th birthday. When a new minister passes through Walnut Grove, and is quickly accepted by the congregation as a strong and efficient speaker, Reverend Alden fears that he is being pushed away by his own community. The lad, Spotted Eagle, is proud of his Indian heritage and faces the hostility of the citizens of Walnut Grove. Foul behavior is in the air and junior detectives Andy and Laura take tips from a fictional sleuth of Scotland Yard to track down the mysterious Walnut Grove chicken thief, ruffling a few feathers of their own along the way. Adam decides to leave his position as a teacher at the School for the Blind to seek a career as a lawyer, unaware that the change is frightening blind Mary, who now thinks she is becoming a burden to her husband. Unwilling to lose his entry fee, Jonathan convinces Charles to fight in his place.  All are shocked by the terrible outcome. Charles travels to Chicago to comfort his grief-stricken friend, Mr. Edwards, after his son John Jr. dies in what seems to be a tragic street car accident. When news comes that the new railroad is expected to pass directly through Walnut Grove,  many in town are excited.  Others are concerned that it would destroy their quiet, simplistic lifestyle, and when they decide to fight it, lives are threatened. When a couple arrives in Walnut Grove with their teenage son, he soon causes serious trouble at the school. From the books by Laura Inglalls Wilder to our screens in the 1970’s, everyone adored this story about a Western pioneer family in Minnesota. Meanwhile, Jason Carter has an unusual reason for wanting a pair of eye glasses. After a patient dies, Doc Baker retires and arranges for an East Coast physician to take over his practice.  When the new doctor decides to go on a hunting trip, he leaves a pregnant widow in grave danger when her labor pains begin. Ah Little House on the Prairie! Laura decides to spend the night with Mary at the blind school.  When a knock comes on the door, Mary and Laura open the door to life-threatening danger, and only Charles has any chance of saving his daughters and the students of the school. Elsewhere, little Jason Carter longs to kiss a little girl at school. Add Little House on the Prairie to your Watchlist to find out when it's coming back. Laura and Almanzo soon realize they made a big mistake when they agreed to babysit his brother’s two young sons. When their grain doesn’t sell for enough to see their families through the winter, Charles and Isaiah hire on with the railroad to haul a wagon-load of highly explosive nitroglycerin over a treacherous mountain road.   They find themselves dealing with situations almost as volatile as the freight they so carefully carry. With both her father and husband out of town, Laura endangers her health and the life of her unborn child when she fights to keep a newly planted fruit orchard alive and the farm running smoothly despite a searing drought. They are already rich, but no one accepts the marriage proposal of Adam Kendall all philosophy.: // Privacy Notice and Disclosure for California Residents earn money, but no one accepts the youngsters Charles... Mary falls in love with the farm work, and Charles is forced to make decision. ; Hallmark Channel remove and hide her glasses, but is there any way to outwit the and... 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