puppy doesn't want to walk away from home

Try to use his favorite treat/toy if you haven’t already, that often does the trick. He may have learned the pattern of being picked up after refusing to walk in which case you can counter-condition him. Do you have any suggestions?? That’s the key. If their collar is the incorrect size, invest in getting a suitable replacement. There is every chance that there isn’t just one reason your puppy refuses to walk away from home. You need to build up positive associations for your dog again and luring with special treats/toys can really help. You shouldn’t get angry either, it’s very important to stay calm. He would walk wonderfully. The more fearful she is, the more time she might need to come down, even if that means waiting 10 minutes. Either use a front-clip or a gentle leader, make sure that in his mind leash = awesome. then feel free to tell her no. We have a 13 week old Bichon mix puppy. Sometimes we just need to be more engaging and figure out what that particular dog likes (treats/balls/rope toys/etc.). The fact that he will only follow your treats part of the time can be due to his short attention span which is also totally fine for Fletcher since he just hit the age of 4 months. If you are able to get them past the fence, or past their normal stopping point, they should be comfortable continuing on. The problem is he is now really reluctant to go on walks. If I get him going again he usually looks around fearfully. If so, it may just be that something happened to him outside before, he was used to not walking in his previous home, etc. You may choose to leave the collar on all the time whilst they are around the home. Make sure your husband does the same training steps as you for a strong release & recall command so she listens to both of you. If she hasn’t been out that much, this behavior can be totally normal. We have tried tempting him with treats but he moves only an inch then lays down or sits down. Any other thoughts or suggestions? He seems like he wants to go in certain direction and when we don’t go as he wants, he refuses to walk at all. The first week she happily went on walks. Does it matter if she doesn’t walk? Many people may think their dog is simply being stubborn. If having a collar on is uncomfortable for your dog and is the reason why when it’s time to walk they resist, identify the problem with the collar. He’ll sit down a lot, and chew his lead. especially if his normal route is pretty calm) as well as your bonding – I’ve linked you both articles. But it might just be that he doesn’t want to go home because he has other stuff in mind. I don’t understand why this started, I used to be able to go anywhere and she was happy just walking along side me. Mylo is nearly 14 weeks – initially he seemed to like going out, although hasnt ever loved walking away from the house. Feel free to tire your dog out with enough playtime and teach new tricks, etc. But, it didn’t take much to get her to continue on the walk. Puppies generally have two fear stages when growing up and need a lot of reassurance and confidence-building so that they can grow up to become a well-adjusted adult dog. How often are you taking care of the dog? Make them a part of the family again and see if their behaviour changes. We feel that she needs to be walked to burn off some energy but just won’t go. If it’s just early stages (see the 3-3-3- rule, I wouldn’t worry too much and just try to go as often as possible, make walks fun and work on your overall bond. If your dog was never exposed to a variety of experiences when they were younger, they may not feel safe out of the home. If it was winter when it happened before and now your dog doesn’t wanna walk below certain temperatures, she might just be too cold and the sound makes her even more uncomfortable. Fear & stubborness is definitely possible because fear can make a dog shut down totally but something negative must’ve happened to your dog on the walks. Most dogs are quite insecure/shy/etc. Think about the points I’ve mentioned above and see if any could be applicable with your dog. Another option for teaching your puppy to be confident and comfortable walking on a leash is to attend obedience classes. Every place you visit and every person or dog you meet should become a pleasant experience for your dog. I don’t understand why this is so sudden. Boost his confidence by integrating some bonding time into the day. Even if a rescue seems fine, issues can suddenly turn up after 3 weeks or longer. If so, health problems or fear-inducing experiences could be the reason why she avoids walking now (even if she walks with you, it could be a bad experience your Lab had while being walked by them). Your dog doesn’t have that confidence yet but if you keep improving your bond (feel free to check the linked article), it’ll come. kudos to you for rescuing that dog and saving him from a life inside the shelter! Previous to us, he was at another home in the UK living with another dog and was there for 2 months before coming to us. You need to stop giving them a slice of your pizza, or the dinner leftovers. To the area that they feel safe in. So, he moved to our home which included things he never had: routine, baths, toys, obedience classes, his own bed, etc…I am home with him all day and he lives inside now. I have been more patient with him though. It is quite common for young animals to have problems with fearful behaviours as they grow up. We have to carry him out of site of the house for him to even move from the street we are on. It’s totally understandable that you want to calm her down but often, the effect is just the opposite and your dog can view this as positive reinforcement. I think she has a lot of fear, but it is so discouraging to have this set back after so much growth! Try taking him to places with your car and see if he displays the behavior there (he can’t walk back to the house from a brand new place, that is for sure). He has his moments, sometimes he cowers away from us when we're in town and stops walking, but soon breaks out of it. if you have a look at a couple of other comments here (search fr “car”), I’m sure you’ll find an answer that’ll help with that as many people have the same problem as you do. congrats on the new addition to your home! If he manages to go a little further, he will stop multiple times on the walks. All of these happy feelings can change suddenly when your puppy goes on a walk for the first time. Bad practices can cause your dog to acquire bad habits, such as not wanting to go for walks. Then when he does walk, will just stop and refuse to walk. Now, I don’t know if that’s the case with your dog too but the stopping and refusing to walk if nothing is around might have different reasons. Any additional suggestions would be very much appreciated Kathy. Does she feel uncomfortable due to your presence or is she happily walking with them? Stopping in the middle of the walk. Thanks. Obviously that’s difficult at the moment. Similarly, older dogs or those that just aren’t in perfect shape (shelter dogs, for example) may have problems keeping up. Priority for you is to be more interesting than her environment. She is pretty good on leash and does not seem fearful of walking (and we saw the vet recently and got a clear bill of health so no apparent physical issues) but is increasingly resistant to do anything out of the house unless BOTH of us are present. My Rottweiler still stares at people, not in a bad sense and not as long (she does plant herself for a couple of seconds or a minute if you let her though) but that’s just what they’re doing, checking their environment and making sure everything is all right. Sometimes we’ll hear the startling noise too and we’ve taken to switching on the “good girl” voice immediately to encourage her to not plop on the ground. I would appreciate any advice. Use that time to bond with him, leash-train and you should be good. Our lab is super smart, friendly, outgoing has it all. Stay on it. Step 1: Practice off leash in a puppy-safe, potty safe area and reward little Bowser for sitting. Before you start worrying about any dog training or behavioral issues, get him checked by a vet. As a puppy he definitely seems to have a more nervous disposition. She is more than happy to go out in the garden when it’s cold without the coat. However, that doesn’t mean that you always have to give in to his stubbornness, it’s good not to let them get away with everything as it might be establish as a pattern otherwise. Your problem may very well exist due to your dog being walked without lead previously. and when you know the source, you can work on the real issue. She doesn’t resist as much, however she does tug against me from time to time. Puppies love their freedom, and if yours starts to resist the pull of the leash and … Thanks. It might just take more time for your new pooch to fully settle in. Slowly expose him to these sounds and he’ll get used to them quite quickly. The last few days she will leave the house but only go one way and only to the end of the road which is about about 4 houses along. Teaching them to be comfortable walking away from home is just the first step. For your problem: You’re already doing the right thing with luring him with treats. We live in a very quiet area in the countryside so it’s not a busy road, she maybe hears only 1 car if that. Since you’re three weeks in, your Saluki is still figuring things out but slowly recognises that this may be her forever home. He will walk for a bit and then stop….repeat over and over and we never get too far. Do I let up on walks till it gets warmer or make her walk. We’ve hired a field next week so he’ll be off lead so we’re going to see what he’s like. Collars are worthy investments for the safety of your dog. I’m sure Rosie and you will get through this! You’re right that picking him up won’t solve the problem. Today we drove to another location away from the house and he was marginally better but still stopped. How is their relationship with your dog inside the house? Make sure you never reward the fearful behavior though and only reward the calm situations or if your dog bravely approaches something. You will probably have to repeat this step a few times depending on how often you have reinforced this behavior in the past by giving in to your dog. Start by using a short and light leash for better control and training results. Eventually, with treats and positive reinforcement I can get him going. If not, feel free to drop a comment and I’ll get back to you asap! I thought I was doing something wrong! We want to associate walking with something positive. No sharing dinner with your dogs! I need help! 30 days ago I rescued three year old shih-poo. I don’t want to drag him by the neck and if I give treats to reward forward movement he just eats the treat and then does it again. I have watched and read many videos, but my dog still won’t react properly. The best thing you can do here is just walking your Labradoodle regardless of whether or not she wants to. although it may seem annoying, it’s nothing to worry about if that’s the only way he expresses this fear of being separated from one of you :). She is definetly “my” dog I guess since if in house she always rests near me and puts her head on my feet. (must have been a sight for the neighbors to see a small girl carrying a 60 lb golden retriever haha) She wants to explore new territory and I don’t blame her, but we just can’t here. But no worries, this is not irreversible and every healthy puppy should bounce back, especially if nothing happened. Re: Noise issue – Desensitization will help with this. However, you should guide your dog through socialization (especially if he has is a nervous character) and be an overall great, calm leader for him. Any advice? I have tried clicker training, playing sniffing games with her before walks and luring her with treats but have yet to see any progress. My vet has recommended flomoxomine, but I’m leary with the kidney issue. Any suggestions on why this is happening? He needs time to get to know you are his new forever family and the best thing you can is bonding with him and building trust. Other than that she has enjoyed walks. A young puppy gets overwhelmed by his environment incredibly quickly. I adopted my wee dog three weeks ago from a Romanian rescue volunteer charity organization. She has plenty of toys and we play with her in the garden. Just start playing it on your laptop or whatever and create a positive association with treats, toys, etc. About a week ago, he started stopping in the driveway. Teaching a proper recall will take time and dedication so in the meantime you can use another alternative to get your dog to walk again. She does play ball in our backyard. With that, you may be able to get him love walking again as well as tire him out mentally (extremely important) and physically. Putting Your Dog In A Crate For Punishment. Unfortunately, dragging won’t solve anything and may make him dislike walking even more. Since it’s already working with some positive reinforcement, I’d keep applying that. Bring your dog to … I would go through sooo many treats trying to bribe her to walk even 1/2 a mile!!!! It means that your pup is just testing you a bit and if the hosue is out of sight, it’s out of his mind. Just like people, dogs can get bored easily. Any advice is welcome. Since your dog is still a puppy, I’d say let him explore more instead of walking. She is terrified of fire works and the bangs in the fields do sound like that so I guess that might be a big part of the issue. Your dog suddenly refuses to walk and you’re asking yourself what’s wrong. He is a big sniffer and stops CONSTANTLY, which kind of defeats the purpose of a walk. You might have heard of the 3-3-3 rule, let me refresh it for you. This problem has recently developed. The thing is that, as you said, he’s probably used to roaming freely and bad habits can be hard to break but with time and patience, progress will come. This might take several minutes and you can try to get your dog’s attention by luring his nose with a treat or making sounds with your mouth. Many times, simple leash training and the right introduction will do the trick. Fast forward she has been to see a specialist vet who requested X-Rays. Dogs will also enjoy the excitement in their owners' pace, and a brisk walk is better exercise than a slow stroll. So I guess my question is: do you have any suggestions we may be able to try in encouraging a non-food-motivated dog to overcome her fears? We rescued a saluki cross 3 weeks ago, the kennels think she’s 18 months. Puppies who refuse to walk away from home may be fearful of their environment. Came across your site by accident but glad I did. Setup the leash and practise walking back and forth in your backyard. Also, his regular route seems to be less of a hassle compared to a new route or the same in reverse. Personally, I’m not a big fan of being completely dependent on treats each and every time you give a command anyway. Before, I will have to confirm your email address, so please click the link in the email I just sent you (don't forget to check your spam folder). I totally understand what you’re talking about, my Rottweiler girl did the same and to this day, she just loves sniffing. It doesn’t have to be outright fear, it can just be a certain feeling of discomfort on her new route. Hello! Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Settling In A New Kitten: Their First Week At Home. If your dog didn’t live with humans before, that’s a big adjustment. She even snubbed my wife yesterday too for first time. Firstly, it is important that you try identifying why they aren’t wanting to leave home. This gives them plenty of time to become comfortable having a collar around their neck. You can try switching things up with a trip by car or you try to find out which toy he really likes. During these classes, they will be able to teach you how to encourage your dog to walk on a leash. For context I live in an apartment downtown and I’m wondering if she maybe doesn’t like going home because she’s confined in a smaller space with me (since I’m now working from home all day instead of my usual 9-5 at the office)? Reggie has begun to come to us on walks, if we stop a few feet away, so it seems he is bonding with us gradually! Talk to your veterinarian to see if they are holding any puppy preschool meetings currently and see if you are able to attend. My childhood Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Sonny, became really weak and tired over a period of a few weeks. with 14 weeks, Mylo is still a pup and this fear period is totally normal. Walks are why many of us get a dog. and if he makes good experiences outside, the rest will come. Each time he stops it changes place. If she goes into a down position, you can go through a couple of obedience commands with her and distract her because that doesn’t really sound like an extremely fearful dog (assuming that the body language is normal). She will stop suddenly constantly to smell a spot and refuse to move forward no matter how much I coax her, and will not stop pulling towards a spot she wants to sniff. If she’s totally fine with you (paired with her “snubbing” your wife), then it might just be the lack of a bond the other family members have with her. So trying to drag your dog down the road will make it much more difficult for you. Provide her with a safe space in the room but make sure she’s not excluded from family life. He’s just a really sad dog these days and we can’t get him to walk or play with toys or do anything really, he just lies on the couch all day – but I know he can run because he chases bikes and joggers (we worry he will nip or bite, this has happened before). Let me know if I can help with anything else, Danielle, Hey so I just found this post because my 1 and a half year old dog has stopped wanting to walk with me. Also when we were on a walk a very large pit bull down came running over and my husband grabbed our little dog in his arms and told the pit bull”NO”. First, I’d recommend you try to slowly re-introduce harness and leash just like you would with a puppy. Pack treats, toys, a long lead and just make the walks alone awesome for him. Teach your dog a couple of new tricks (linked you an article) or check out these boredom busters. However, there may likely be underlying reasons why they don’t want to go for walks. She likes to sniff the grass at the end on the road for a few minutes and then heads back home, quickly. As always, maybe something happened to your dog while you walked her (this can be as much as a dog attack or as little as an extremely startling noise). Since many dogs like to defecate in the same spot, start there the next time it's time to go. The fact that she likes to walk on other routes speaks for the fact that either something bad happened to her on the regular route (doesn’t sound like it but there can always be subtle situations that infused fear) or that she just loves exploring new places. It’s best to just outright ask your breeder and if your assumption is right, at least you know what you need to work on. The weird part, the next walk he won’t do any of this. things I wish I knew before getting a puppy. Since the 4th of Juky…yes she is sensitive to the fireworks, she has refuse to go for normal walkfrom our home to the park. How is she behaving on the walks? Follow the steps on my recall training guide and stay very consistent with it. Feel free to check out the steps above and try luring her on walks to make them really fun and exciting. Hey Giovanni, most of the time there’s a reason when dogs don’t want to go outside suddenly. We can also avoid some of her tendency to stop right in the middle of the street (when we cross one along our sidewalk path- it’s become clear that this is one of her triggers) by entering into a jog as soon as we reach the end of the sidewalk. One thing led to another and they had a baby on the way and needed to move. Other than that, time will tell if there’s a real issue or just how she’s comfortable at the moment. She will get excited at an animal, and her gait seems fine so i don’t think it is medical related. . If you’ve never put a leash on your pup before, or you’re using a new harness or collar,... 2. We are new dog parents, we have a 3 year old Bulldog and she will only go for walks when there are both myself and my partner going. The average Cavalier King Charles Spaniel weights between 6 and 8 kg (13.2 to 17.6 lbs). What did the vet suggest you do? However, I’ve taken her on other walks and I know she wasn’t tired yet she stopped and would not budge no matter what, it was so difficult to get back home. If you check the end of the article, I’ve covered rescues and the 3-3-3 rule there. Maybe your Kelpie has his regular route memorized and wants to walk exactly this route. Harry has VERY bad skin issues that made him scratch constantly and lose some hair, plus he gets ear infections – this has gone on most of his life, and he’s now under vet care – recently he also lost some weight, though we think my mom just wasn’t feeding him enough. He doesn’t appear to be pain and doesn’t seem to be overly afraid of most things, people, or other animals. if you ruled out any physical issues, your next step should be making sure that fear is really no factor for your Pit/Lab mix. Sudden changes in their home environment can cause behavioural problems. The latter could mean that your dog is too used to patterns. Once you’ve done a few laps up and down your backyard you can try continuing the momentum out onto the street. However, let her sniff interesting new places and she’ll be tired after walking just a third of that way. Some Agility at home, teaching new tricks, going on some bonding trips where the focus is not solely on walking but the outside experience – these things might also help. Did this happen due to trauma or just develop over age? Proper leash training will definitely eliminate a lot of these problems but the best way to conquer any leash-related problem is by just stopping and standing still. Let your puppy walk around the house with the leash on for a few days so he gets used to the weight and feel of it. We’re on day 4 since adopting our second border collie rescue, who’s almost 2 years old. On the other hand, it’s very hard for dogs to manage sideways pressure, so that may be easier for you to keep him going. Your puppy is still learning and other places can simply be more exciting from your Westie’s experiences, for example. Having another animal on a leash may entice your dog to walk a little bit further than they normally would. Your thought of bringing him to new places is spot on. We have used different treats that do help to love him along but he will stop even with those available. I work 3 days a week from home so cannot always drive for a walk. Only use your dog’s recall one single time, if he doesn’t react you just stop. Even a seemingly well-adjusted dog that lived with dogs all his life can be overwhelmed by all the new stimuli and that’s where people/dogs get bitten. He was walking 80% of his walks at our pace next to us with slack in the leash. He was walked off lead as he would be with the other dog and would always come back to his owner. Try not to get frustrated. I have an article that goes into detail on how to stop your dog from ingesting everything (my puppy did the same, count yourself lucky as long as it’s not other dog’s poop). We have already had two violent encounters. The world is full of a barrage of sights, smells, sounds and other... 3. Pulling if it hurts your dog is not the right solution either but you’re the judge of how much pulling is okay. She is constantly stopping and pulling, even to the point of sitting/lying down and refusing to move. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. My dog completely turned when I started feeding her raw while a foster dog I had didn’t touch that stuff (mostly because there needs to be a transition period) but it’s same with your dog, she just doesn’t trust the environment and is probably used to other food. By the way: You can read this post on socialization for a bit more info, maybe it helps. first of all, I always recommend to make sure it’s not a health-related problem and no fear issue – did something happen to your bulldog while you were walking her? If the problem is a simple fix, like a new collar, try putting their old collar back on and seeing if they will go for a walk. With you at his side, he will surely become much more confident to conquer any fear. Don’t expect him to jump outside into a busy city with lots of people and loud noises. Doing exercise something positive car: ) traffic sounds: just desensitize him to fun,. 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