reasons to say merry christmas

No matter what’s happening on this wonderful Christmas morning, I hope that each and every one of you is able to spend the day doing whatever it is that makes you happy. We are well into the Advent season now, and it’s probably a good time to tell the truth about the first Christmas: The first Christmas arrived in a season of suffering and silence. A growing thing in the Middle East is that Christians must worship and celebrate in silence or in fear of being arrested or hurt or sadly even killed by celebrating the birth of our Savior. Ben & Erin Napier Talk 'Home Town' Season 5, 93 Best Easy Low-Carb Recipes With Tons of Flavor, This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. How did the word “Merry” get added to this specific holiday? Tie yourself down to your chair and grab a glass of Prosecco because this is about to blow your little, perplexing mind. New year, new morning routine, right? and if that offends someone, too bad! Saying “Happy Holidays” isn’t only annoyingly PC, but it is also generic. I am only 12, I wrote this on my own, and im not afraid to express my opinions! There is a much stronger reason for doing so than what Prager discusses. Some people were more blunt, telling Dr Vincent 'you should say Happy holidays not Merry Christmas FFS'. It is a way of being the slightest bit vulnerable with the person you say it to because that means you are letting them know what you celebrate. And Christians happily buy into the narrative, as if hearing your favorite phrase is the sum total of what Christmas means to a person of Christian faith. There are reasons to be thankful, says Tinubu ... it is difficult to say ‘Merry Christmas’ because the moment which we now inhabit does not lend itself to merriment. There are at least three reasons … Some people were more blunt, telling Dr Vincent 'you should say Happy holidays not Merry Christmas FFS'. The Victorian Christmas went on to define many of today's Christmas traditions. It because a way to shoo customers along at stores, keep the lines moving at malls, and clear a table at restaurants. May the Christmas Season bring only happiness and joy to you and your adorable family. There is the man who dressed like Santa roams here and there on the street of the cities and give gifts to the people visiting places. In my previous post, The Mere Name Doesn’t Make It Christmas, I discussed PragerU’s video Just Say Merry Christmas. You're not delusional and you're definitely not a weirdo. 2. Another reason why I say “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays” is that simply it is not offensive. Don't hesitate. The article continues to explain that the people who say Merry Christmas have good intentions, but are insensitive and ignorant in assuming the person they're greeting in such a manner is Christian. In a world where "Happy Easter" and "Happy Birthday" are the norm, that "merry" part of "Merry Christmas" is unique—to say the least. Otherwise, you get Happy Holidays for all of the reasons above; plus the fact that variety is good for your brain and soul alike. As both words evolved and changed meaning over time, people slowly stopped using "merry" as its own individual word during the 18th and 19th centuries. Yes what a year for so many reasons and as you say the warmth and friendly chat on this forum has been a great help to so many. 51. Italians are a warm and loving people. Tell me you live in a small town without saying you live in a small town. I could go pro in ordering takeout, and this list is curated in my semi-professional opinion. What are the symptoms of the phases? It broke hearts, grew frustrations, and taught us some awful lessons. Merry Christmas quotes. He shares his 5 reasons on why he does not say that to anyone. New; Their routines ranged from working out, to watching TikTok, to drinking a large cup of coffee to get their day going. It is an understanding from the hadith and analysis of what does it mean to wish come ‘Merry Christmas’. Share the love around you and make sure that the people who have been around you are happy because Christmas is a season of love and happiness. MERRY CHRISTMAS! And before the 18th century, you could hear both "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Christmas." All the … If you're getting bored with your morning routine, maybe these ideas can help you spark new ones! If YOU are celebrating Christmas, say MERRY CHRISTMAS. So much so that this new interest in fashion from this era has been dubbed as "Regencycore." May you enjoy all the goodness and goodies that the season of Christmas brings. As the popularity of this show and similar shows only continues to grow, I suspect to see this trend only continue to grow throughout the next year. Because America is a melting pot, meaning that we have a mixture of cultures and beliefs. But everyone knows that one of the most special, heartfelt thing you can do at Christmastime is share a few heartfelt Merry Christmas wishes with your loved ones. 93. But what if you want to say, “Hi! 50. (T S Haokip is a freelance writer and author of the book 'Hilly Dreams'. Merry Christmas. "Happy" is a word that describes an inner emotional condition, while "merry" is more of a behavior descriptor—something active and maybe even raucous. When someone says Merry Christmas to me, it makes me smile and for a minute at least, it helps remind me of the reason for the season. I’m excited for what 2021 has to offer as a new chapter in our lives, but so sad to say goodbye to a … The royal family adopted "Happy Christmas" as their preferred greeting, and others took note. These days, I only say Merry Christmas when (a) I know I’m talking to another Christian or (b) the other person says Merry Christmas first. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. What does it say about a person who refuses to say the words “Merry Christmas”. It is December 24 -the eve of Christmas, but the usual merry of the season is lacking. This yuletide season, … Christmas means loving and caring and helping and believing. The article had cited a Public Policy Polling survey that found that more than 80% of Americans didn't care which one … You have always made sure that we were doing okay. We are celebrating the coming of Jesus. You've probably also been signing the phrase in all your Instagram captions and Christmas cards this year—after all, it's the ultimate Christmas wish in the U.S.! After all, for most other holidays, we use the word "happy." 4:08. It is the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ and it is the day when people expect the gifts from Santa Clause. The views are personal and do not necessarily reflect that of Outlook magazine.) It could be a friend, colleague, student, or even a stranger. “White Christmas” is a song written in the middle of the summer (amazing but true), but inevitably it became a huge hit of the season and (wait for it!) It has more to do with the sometimes hard realities of Christmas. Youth Group Christmas Video: Tyler is hesitant to wish his mom a Merry Christmas. You work from a place within. Historians believe it might boil down to a simple grammatical lesson. Lo, how we greet ye with tidings of yule!". the world’s best-selling single with estimated sales in excess of 50 million copies worldwide. We Americans do often say Merry Christmas, but it’s situational. Merry Christmas! 7 7. Best wishes from the [Your family name]. It is not found in the Quran, no. Christmas would not be the same without friends like you. When saying “Merry Christmas” it catches some off guard, in a good way, seems more welcoming, and more personable. It is manifested by people sending out “mock Christmas Cards” that are totally bereft of depictions of traditional Christmas scenes or sentiments. This is believed to be because "happy" took on a higher class connotation than "merry," which was associated with the rowdiness of the lower classes. Returning the next day, I once again said “Merry Christmas”. Don't worry. One of the reasons I say “Merry Christmas” besides the obvious that I am a Christian is because some of us do not get to celebrate openly. Country Living participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. ". Be blessed by the holy season of happiness. If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. The first written record of someone using "Merry Christmas" comes from a 1534 letter from a bishop to royal minister Thomas Cromwell. To my surprise, the word “Merry” originated hundreds of years ago in England and is first recorded in a letter written in 1534 from an English Catholic Bishop named John Fisher to Thomas Cromwell. Even the word "merry" on its own now makes us think of December 25. So fuck you 2020 for a lot of things but also, thank you 2020 for those same things. "Bridgerton' is a period drama created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes based on a series of novels written by Julia Quinn. Merry Christmas 2020 to all! You're not crazy. Don't even think about being politically incorrect. Regardless of religion or cultural tradition, most Americans celebrate the … But I want to remind you what we mean when we say “Merry Christmas.”. The Origin of Merry Christmas. For most atheists, the supposed “War On Christmas” is pretty boring. While fans of the show have been left with a lot to discuss, one of the conversations I hear most frequently is about fashion. - Duration: 4:08. Jesus, God in the flesh, came to us amid all the darkness and brokenness of our world. A blissful, pleasant, and relaxing Christmas to you! Then there is the particular resentment that Jews nurse toward Christianity. To include New Years. A. Say it and say it and say it again. Leadership Is Sustained By Character – Being a follower of Jesus Christ is my fundamental identity. ... and the most compassionate and generous people on the Earth. I hope each and every person around the world feels or will one day feel safe to say “Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, etc.” in this joyful time of the year. Does anyone say "Happy Christmas"?. Our hope and joy are found in our Merciful Saviour. Even if Christmas is your least favorite holiday or you celebrate something completely different if should not offend you what so ever. Let's all hope that 2021 is a better year for the world and the forum goes from strength to strength. We celebrated in the best possible way we could, to make us happy. Get more connected with your dear ones. It stuck around in common phrases like "the more, the merrier," as well as in things like Christmas songs and stories, largely due to the influence of Charles Dickens. Christmas Wishes for Family: Christmas is the annual holy festival of love, joy, and celebration. This Is Why There's a Best Man at Weddings, Every Netflix Christmas Movie Coming This Winter, What We Know About Netflix's New Christmas Movies. When Should You Take Your Christmas Tree Down? Happy New Year. Year. When we extend this holiday greeting, we aren’t just conjuring up Christmas cheer. But "Merry Christmas" has been used since at least 1534—a dated letter from bishop John Fisher to Henry VIII's chief minister Thomas Cromwell reveals as much. “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays” and “Happy Christmas” can still work to convey sincere good wishes, of course, if you know your audience. Note that in his comments, Trump places the offending failure to say “Merry Christmas” in a department store—capitalism and buying frenzies are Americans’ favorite holiday liturgies. These are the most common questions regarding these two phases, and quite honestly it can be hard to pinpoint them from an outsider who is not aware of how to spot if their loved one is going into either phase. Merry Christmas. Yes! I'll be back next week with some reflections on the year. Let's be clear about ONE THING. Have a wonderful Christmas season as you preach love with these quotes. Enjoy the precious day that reminds us all that we are loved. For all my objections to Dennis … The last reason I say “Merry Christmas” is the fact the it is more personable than “Happy Holidays”. With that being said if you celebrate a different holiday than myself feel free to tell me “Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or insert name” I will not get offended nor should you by me telling you Merry Christmas. Bottoms up to heartwarming holiday memories! Festive stress: why the Christmas season can be anything but merry It’s meant to be a time of good cheer, relaxation and celebration, but for many, Christmas is stressful. I hope you all have a great holiday. Other surveys have shown that a growing portion of the country doesn’t care how they’re greeted by store clerks during the holiday season. Giphy. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. I understand why people say that, they do so because yes, Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated during this time of year. And 3 words to sum it up - What. A 2017 Business Insider article stated that President Donald Trump had promised during his presidential campaign to free America of the generic holiday greeting, which he considers a form of political correctness gone awry, and replace it with his preferred “Merry Christmas”. Reasons to say Bah Humbug! If you know someone is a Christian who is celebrating Christmas you should say to them 'Merry Christmas.' Category : Corporate christmas wishes:: We hope the happiness and the love that brings this Christmas will be just the beginning of a new year full of kindness and prosperity. In reality, you pretty much only have to say “Merry Christmas” in Italian. The most likely reason for this is the fact that, well, "merry" was just a far more popular word back then than it is today. On December 25, Christmas is celebrated. Safety Googles! So here is how I think Bridgerton and Regencycore style will affect fashion trends in 2021. Wishing you a pleasant weekend and a wonderful New Year. So to the very select group of people that may see me as offensive by saying “Merry Christmas” sorry not sorry, this is my right and what I believe so it is what I will say to you. We live in a Christian country and we need to keep our traditions. I Asked 5 People About Their Favorite Morning Routine, And Caffeine Is A BIG Commonality, AvitaSen's Ammona Ghanem On Building A Legacy Out Of Palestinian Beauty Secrets, Shonda Rimes' 'Bridgerton' Fashion Is Making A Comeback In 2021, 3 Things I'm Leaving In 2020—And You Should, Too, 15 Local Coral Springs Restaurants To Support While You’re Home From College, Putting Bipolar Disorder In The Spotlight. Arika Okrent Recommended for you. Merry Christmas and a splendid New Year to you, beloved. A bounty of gaiety and joy to you. I and all Christians in North America, the U.S. especially, have the great gift to being able to worship and proclaim our faith openly without fear; so I feel all of us should be able to say “Happy or Merry whatever you celebrate.”. Last year, I entered a Starbucks and told the person behind the counter “Merry Christmas” and he responded “Right back at you.” I was taken aback but then took this as a challenge. There are many reasons to say thank you, Thanks you for being so good, Thanks for support, Thanks for motivation, You are such a great co worker, Merry Christmas! Say it to everyone and anyone from now through Christmas Day. Tie yourself down to your chair, or your toilet, and grab a glass of Prosecco because this is about to blow your little, feeble mind. The idea to spin Ammona Ghanem's household staple of black seed oil in to a clean, luxury haircare brand might have been her dad's idea, but it was she who made it the luxury brand it is today. I would also hope that people of other religious backgrounds would feel free to do the same. I love you so much. It’s being all together and sharing happiness and love. The reason why people say "merry" instead of "happy" is the same reason you'll get family photo Christmas postcards with statements like, "Hark! In todays United Sates, people are offended very easily about Christmas!! The English carol, "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," which was introduced in the 1500s, also uses the popular phrase. So on that note a Happy New Year to you also. We miss you and hope to see you in 2021. No Christmas, no 'winter break'; no Easter, no 'spring break.' We are celebrating the coming of Jesus. The Quran does not mention Christmas. But if you read the whole passage, it goes on to talk about carving the wood and overlaying it with gold – it’s about making idols. Thank you for all your sacrifices. Lo, how we greet ye with tidings of yule! “Merry Christmas” is a greeting that to me helps me offer a succinct connection to all of that in just a couple of words. Today I was sent to my principles office for saying Merry Christmas!!!! New corporate greetings to say Merry Christmas | Christmas wishes. 92. The 700 Club 3,929 views. You're a spiritual being. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. According to the Pew Research Center, 90 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas, though only about half of those celebrate it as primarily a religious holiday. Forget that controversy – there’s a better reason to ask if we should really say Merry Christmas. Why Do We Say 'Merry' Just for Christmas? It’s basically a joke issue because 1) the vast majority of non-Christians don’t care if people say “Merry Christmas”, and often say it themselves, and 2) no Christians are actually hurt by someone not saying “Merry Christmas” to them. Merry Christmas! A growing thing in the Middle East is that Christians must worship and celebrate in silence or in fear of being arrested or hurt or sadly even killed by celebrating the birth of our Savior. Now maybe this is not exactly what our founding fathers meant by “freedom of religion”, but we should all be understanding and accepting enough that we can give people a greeting comfortable to ourselves and vise versa. Others, for a variety of reasons (not all of them Covid-related), may be alone this Christmas. Merry Christmas, Dr. Briggs, that was a great video! But have you ever stopped to wonder where the phrase "Merry Christmas" actually comes from? Dear dad, Merry Christmas. But others said saying Merry Christmas was the way to go. Cheers to a beautiful New Year. What are they? I pray to God every day for your good health and a good mind. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at, 49 Sweet Gifts to Give Your Husband This Year, The Best Winter Movies to Watch All Season Long, Shop These Christmas Tree Storage Bag Options, All the Best After Christmas Sales in 2020, Best Gingerbread Dessert Ideas for the Holidays, Christmas Recipes That Healthy Eaters Will Love, Easy, Delicious Best Christmas Lunch Recipes, 15 Easy and Complete Christmas Dinner Menus. Yes! Thus, whether you celebrate Christmas for religious or cultural reasons, it’s safe to say Christmas is a very big deal in America. Consider, for example, the free-spirited act of "merry-making" versus the state of simply "being happy.". Have you ever thought about the history of this phrase? This is believed to be because "happy" took on a higher class connotation than "merry," which was associated with the rowdiness of the lower classes. Don't be a coward. May your heart open to a new beginning and love this beautiful Christmas, because we both know that you need some good loving this year. Why? 1 decade ago. We literally had a merry Christmas. For two reasons: 1. However, there is a handful of places that are only in C. Springs that I have to have while I am home. May all the peace and joy of Christmas fill your heart the whole year through, dad. With Coral Springs offering so many big chain options, its easy to forget the local chains and mom and pop joints that are worth checking out while you're home. Sometimes its ok to just go to your roots and do what you think is right, and not worry about what … Here are some of the best merry Christmas quotes that you will love. I just want to say I wish you peace at Christmas and all year through. 2020 was so different than anyone expected. I am so happy you are my friend! On Christmas, there are no reasons to feel downcast, because it’s a season to rejoice with friends and loved ones. For starters, it's important to note that "Happy Christmas" hasn't faded completely—it's still widely used in England. If you've ever had or experienced anything of these things, you're probably the next Long Island Medium, or you're just simply a highly spiritual DIVA. ... Just needed to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in return. Merry was also the word of choice for Dickens and in carols, so much so that the pull of merry grew stronger and it even changed the last line of “The Night Before Christmas”, which originally was “Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.” Because this Victorian era Christmas traditions defined the way we celebrate Christmas, even today, we use ‘merry’ instead of ‘happy Christmas’. I’ve never said “Happy Holidays” and if you celebrate something specific this season than neither should you. Likewise, say 'Happy Hanukkah' to a person you know is Jewish, etc. “Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love Divine, Love was born … Christmas is an opportunity for families and friends to share and enjoy. The royal family adopted "Happy Christmas" as their preferred greeting, and others took note. This is believed to be because "happy" took on a higher class connotation than "merry," which was associated with the rowdiness of the lower classes. Cute Merry Christmas Quotes. Say Merry Christmas to everyone you meet. In this loveliest of seasons may you find many reasons for happiness. For starters, it's important to note that "Happy Christmas" hasn't faded completely—it's still widely used in England. What I celebrate ” to your students Christmas went on to define many of today 's Christmas traditions me. 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