sentence of readily

As an illustration it may be pointed out that in the case of the two known types of lactones - the y-lactones, which contain four carbon atoms and one oxygen atom in the ring, are more readily formed and more stable (less readily hydrolysed) than the S-lactones, which contain one oxygen and five carbon atoms in the ring. It crystallizes in small colourless needles and is easily soluble in water; the concentrated aqueous solution dissolves bromine and iodine readily. It is readily polymerized, small quantities of hydrochloric acid, zinc chloride, carbonyl chloride, &c. converting it, at ordinary temperatures, into paraldehyde, (C 2 H 4 0) 3, a liquid boiling at 124° C. and of specific gravity o�998 (15° C.). readily movable on the mesothorax, an arrangement usual among insects with the power of rapid running. It is artificially obtained by adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of lead salt, as a white precipitate, little soluble in cold water, less so in dilute hydrochloric acid, more so in the strong acid, and readily soluble in hot water, from which on cooling, the excess of dissolved salt separates out in silky rhombic needles. Heather readily held her newborn baby boy, loving and nurturing him any chance she could get. Zinc chloride solution readily dissolves the oxide with the formation of oxychlorides, some of which are used as pigments, cements and for making artificial teeth. 25, p. 613), but both modifications may exist in metastable forms at higher and lower temperatures respectively; the rhombic form may be cooled down to ordinary temperature without changing, the transformation, however, being readily induced by a trace of the red modification, or by friction. But on the other hand, it is readily converted by hydrobromic acid into normal propyl bromide, CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 Br. use "readily" in a sentence The government needs to do more to ensure that all public buildings are readily accessible to the disabled. Pindar once noted that every gift, though it be small, is in reality great if given with affection. The cuticle of a mushroom readily peels away from the flesh beneath, as shown at F. He was ex officio excluded from the Legislative Assembly, and his declarations of policy were thus in writing - that is, in the form in which she could most readily exert her power. Sentence example with the word 'readily' readily agilely, at once, de bonne volonte, facilely, immediately, keenly, on easy terms, simply, ungrudgingly, with dispatch, without delay Definition adv. It is convenient here to add that such reactions and modifications, if more conspicuous in the nervous system, are of course not confined to it, but are concerned in their degree in all the processes of metabolism, being most readily traced by us in the blood. My empty stomach readily received the food I ate for lunch. Pasta is included on every menu, but a variety of other main dishes and some interesting appetizers are also readily available at these establishments. Its advantages over the zinc process are that the deposited gold is purer and more readily extracted, and that weaker solutions can be employed, thereby effecting an economy in cyanide. - Fischer found that if one molecule of phenylhydrazine acted upon one molecule of an aldose or ketose a hydrazone resulted which in most cases was very soluble in water, but if three molecules of the hydrazine reacted (one of which is reduced to ammonia and aniline) insoluble crystalline substances resulted, termed osazones, which readily characterized the sugar from which it was obtained. It readily condenses with aromatic hydrocarbons in the presence of sulphuric acid. Today the collection is one of the best in the country, and more readily accessible than that at Lord's. It is readily transformed into a solid polymer, probably (CH 2: NOH)3. Aurous iodide, Aul, is a light-yellow, sparingly soluble powder obtained, together with free iodine, by adding potassium iodide to auric chloride; auric iodide, Au13, is formed as a dark-green powder at the same time, but it readily decomposes to aurous iodide and iodine. Gold forms three sulphides corresponding to the oxides; they readily decompose on heating. Bismuth readily forms alloys with other metals. ; it is insoluble in water, but readily dissolves in the ordinary organic solvents. They readily decompose on heating, and are easily hydrolysed by alkalies; they possess a somewhat more acid character than. 14. The belief in the appearance of the mandi readily lent itself to imposture. The formula expressing the optical power of prismatic spectroscopes may readily be investigated upon the principles of the wave theory. It is a white solid, which readily decomposes water in the cold and behaves as a strong reducing agent. The pit-threads are larger and stain more readily than the wail-threads. It forms green prisms which are readily soluble in water. Though he pleaded it was unnecessary, he readily pocked the offering. New York Post columnist Bob McManus, who grew up here, readily agrees. 35. Dinner will be ready at six O'clock. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. It is readily oxidized by nitric acid, and when strongly heated_ in a current of hydrogen is reduced to the metallic condition. [...] | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Deposits are coming in at unusually high rates, and can't be readily lent with the typical healthy net interest spread. Mehner patented heating the oxides of silicon, boron or magnesium with coal or coke in an electric furnace, and then passing in nitrogen, which forms, with the metal liberated by the action of the carbon, a readily decomposable nitride. Abd-ul-Aziz is said to have yielded the more readily as being desirous of bringing about a similar alteration in the succession in Turkey, in favour of his own eldest son, Prince Yussuf Izz-ed-din; public opinion was, however, opposed to so sweeping a change, and the succession to the throne in Turkey still goes to the eldest surviving member of the house of Osman. 14. Few people who use the word readily register the fact that its letters initially stood for words: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.. Little light on the relationship and evolution of the various :families of Diptera is afforded by fossil forms, since as a rule the latter are readily referable to existing families. The English Is Coming! Geoffroy in 1741 pointed out that the fat or oil recovered from a soap solution by neutralization with a mineral acid differs from the original fatty substance by dissolving readily in alcohol, which is not the case with ordinary fats and oils. The island suffered from the reactionary policy of Ferdinand VII., but the few sporadic attempts at revolution between 1815 and 1820 were readily suppressed. In historical order we may briefly enumerate the following: - in 1811, Gay-Lussac volatilized a weighed quantity of liquid, which must be readily volatile, by letting it rise up a short tube containing mercury and standing inverted in a vessel holding the same metal. Understand readily meaning and enrich your vocabulary They are readily propagated from cuttings taken in the spring or at the end of the summer. Bamberger opposed Claus' formula on the following grounds: - The molecule of naphthalene is symmetrical, since 2.7 dioxynaphthalene is readily esterified by methyl iodide and sulphuric acid to a dimethyl ether; and no more than two mono-substitution derivatives are known. After the departure of the Greek troops the Cretan leaders, who had hitherto demanded annexation to Greece, readily acquiesced in the decision of the powers, and the insurgent Assembly, under its president Dr Sphakianakis, a man of good sense and moderation, co-operated with the international commanders in the maintenance of order. Find more ways to say readily, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Haemoglobin is composed of a basic albumin and an acid substance haematin; it combines readily with oxygen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to form loose compounds. Aluminium is barely affected even at a white heat, if it is pure; the ordinary impure metal is liable to be very readily oxidized. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. (adverb) He readily undertook the task. as fast as the previous portions become well filled with roots, which may readily be done by packing up a turf wall at the extremity of the portion to be newly made; an exterior width of 15 ft. Simarubaceae, but is readily distinguished by its large handsome red flowers arranged in terminal clusters. Very perfectly annealed optical glass is now, however, readily obtainable. 33. In the reducing flame the bead becomes violet, more readily on the addition of tin; in the presence of iron it becomes blood-red. The thiosulphates are readily decomposed by mineral acids with liberation of sulphur dioxide and precipitation of sulphur: Na 2 S 2 0 3 + 2HC1 = 2NaC1 + S + SO 2 + H 2 O. A sandy beach or desert owes its character to the mobility of its constituent sand-grains, which are readily drifted and piled up in the form of dunes. At ordinary temperatures it is a gas, but may be condensed to a liquid which boils at - 6° C. It has a strong ammoniacal smell, burns readily and is exceedingly soluble in water. Leo sent a new nuncio to Copenhagen (1521) in the person of the Minorite Francesco de Potentia, who readily absolved the king and received the rich bishopric of Skara. CH20H CH20H CH OH CH OH (CH OH) 2 -> (CH OH)2 CHO CH-OH CN Pentose -> Cyanhydrin on further oxidation gives a mannonic acid, C 5 H 8 (OH) 5 CO 2 H; this acid readily yields a lactone. All other metals, when heated in oxygen or air, are converted, more or less readily, into stable oxides. I readily drank the hot beverage after being out in the cold. The flowers are yellow, and the seeds enclosed in a pod are long and thin with numerous long silky fibres attached to them, which enable the seeds to be readily carried by the wind. OH =S02C12+ H 2 SO It is a colourless fuming liquid which boils at 69° C. and which is readily decomposed by water into sulphuric and hydrochloric acids. Local prosperity was greatly enhanced during the period 18 751905 by the improvement of communications, which enabled the grain, fruit and wine of the Guadiana valley, on the north, and of the upland known as the Tierra de Barros, on the south, to be readily exported by the Merida-Seville railway. , I readily drank the hot beverage after being out in the cold. The first maximum in fact occurs when 6=2A-0046X, and the first minimum when 5 = 8X- oo16X, the corrections being readily obtainable from a table of G by substitution of the approximate value of V. Dilute sulphuric acid attacks it but slowly; hydrochloric acid, especially if strong, dissolves it readily, with the formation, more immediately, of a hyacinthcoloured solution of U 2 C1 6, which, however, readily absorbs oxygen from the air, with the formation of a green solution of UC1 4, which in its turn gradually passes into one of yellow uranyl salt, U02. Update: A third grade level sentence. view recents. Learn more. She took it readily, and he pulled her into his body for a quick kiss before he Traveled. The Proctor also was a stranger, and did not attempt to communicate with me in any way; and, as they were both unfamiliar with my speech, they could not readily understand what I said to them. It crystallizes in colourless plates melting at 20°C. It is readily seen that W+W i - W 2 is the weight of the liquid displaced by the solid, and therefore is the weight of an equal volume of liquid; hence the relative density is W/(W+Wi - W2). It is often impossible to observe the pressure-coefficient dp/de directly, but it may be deduced from the isothermal compressibility by means of the geometrically obvious relation, BE = (BEÆC) XEC. Briihl) and boiling point 104° C. Dilute acids readily transform it into alcohol and aldehyde, and chromic acid oxidizes it to acetic acid. Black, green, red, blue and yellow glasses are made, which contain a large proportion of alkali and are readily fusible. Yes, Mailer was, as he readily admitted, something of a spoiled Jewish boy. ‘She readily admitted to performing the black magic associated with witches.’. Anonymous. readily sentences in Hindi. , Greg readily sampled the chef's new recipe. It is an orange-coloured gas which may be readily liquefied and by further cooling may be solidified. 59. It is a colourless aromatic-smelling oily liquid, which boils at 247° C. and readily oxidizes on exposure. readily meaning: 1. quickly, immediately, willingly, or without any problem: 2. quickly, immediately, willingly, or…. -> CH3C6H5CONHC6H51 N OH Syn-phenyltolylketoxime CH3 C6H4 C C6H5 CH3C6H4NH000,H5 HO N A nti-tolylphenylketoxime In the case of the aldoximes, that one which most readily loses the elements of water on dehydration is assumed to contain its hydroxyl radical adjacent to the movable hydrogen atom and is designated the syn-compound. 2. 4 Answers. Metallic chlorides, as a class, are readily soluble in water. They form compounds with hydrochloric acid when this gas is passed into their ethereal solution; these compounds, however, are very unstable, being readily decomposed by water. By heating the nitrate it is obtained as hemimorphous pyramids belonging to the hexagonal system; and by heating the chloride in a current of steam as hexagonal prisms. It is decomposed readily into sulphur trioxide and oxygen when heated. Great care is necessary to prevent the heaps from becoming too hot, in which case the clay becomes baked into hard lumps of brick-like material which cannot be broken up. The acid, auricyanic acid, 2HAu (CN) 4.3H20, is obtained by treating the silver salt (obtained by precipitating the potassium salt with silver nitrate) with hydrochloric acid; it forms tabular crystals, readily soluble in water, alcohol and ether. Even though I grew up in Canada, where there are more left-handed golfers than in the States, left-handed equipment wasn't readilyavailable. He readily agreed to my proposal. The hen is still more soberly attired; but it is perhaps the siskin's disposition to familiarity that makes it so favourite a captive, and, 'though as a cage-bird it is not ordinarily long-lived, it readily adapts itself to the loss of liberty. At the time when I became her teacher, she had made for herself upward of sixty signs, all of which were imitative and were readily understood by those who knew her. Solid, insoluble in water, alcohol and in water, while its salts are crystalline solids, on... Metallic titanium is very difficult since it readily combines with nitrogen ( thus resembling boron magnesium! Acid character than at 72-75°C coming in at unusually high rates, the... Concentrated aqueous solution dissolves bromine and iodine readily but difficultly soluble in water and in,! 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